I dont know what s really happening anymore. One second before my target is dead my druid healer in solo just cycloned it. We lost.
Is this on purpose? A wintrader I doubt at this rating 1.2. Did he just watch streamers at 2.5 rating to do the same? https://postimg.cc/QKVRWcNk
He answered he is new in pvp. But he is not. He is rival anyway.
But generally can druids stop spamming cyclones uncontrollably? please?
I mean in can be a tactic to clone low if some defensive is coming or the healer’s coming out of CC. Just don’t play Rogue, clones on Vendetta/Deathmark are rather tilting Maybe they just made a mistake?
Tbh things like clone and MC can be hard to use. If you play with lots of LFG healers, the amount of bad MC’s you see is insane; it’s like they forget MC also CC’s themselves.
Cause resto druid can’t heal any damage anymore so the only hope is to spam cyclone and pray that you can somehow keep your team alive through some miracle.