Can we please get dual crossbows for hunters as Demon hunters in Diablo have?
Or a completely new class for hunters who can use dual crossbows.
How do they load them?
You mean like my demon hunter in D3 ?? Fully decked out in legendary gear
Give us strafe too
I’d settle for pets that can follow you, BFA pets seem to be the worst sitting waiting until I can use kill command :S Don’t remember pets having such issues before.
If they ever do something like that it will most likely be new DH spec
You need 2 hands for a crossbow. If you had 2, all you could do with them would be to hit someone … and a sword’s probably better for that.
Yeah but the only mog which would make sense is exorcist’s crossbow.
if u wod have 2 cross bows wod that meen u can shoot at 2 diff targets at same time ? wod be OP in 2s areans xD
Guns for warriors, too.
While we’re at it can we have automatic assault rifles with an EMP grenade launcher for Warlocks.
No no no, you silly spacegoat - we don’t need MORE crossbows, we need BETTER ones. Like a gatling crossbow - blasting bolts like no tomorrow! Or, just a portable ballista? Why use 5 bolts to take down a mob and just one huge mofo that insta kills the target and everything between you and the target?
Or we re-purpose or pets and turn them into actual tanks. We could easily fit a turret on a turtle, or wait… wait wait wait… why not just turn the Zandalari mounts into the Dinoriders from the 80s (google that). OMG I’m going to find myself a Goblin to get this done.
rushes into the Valley of Honor in Org
As I remember back in the day of wotlk technically warriors use to have a gun as a stat stick called Rowan’s rifle of silver bullets.
I just want to pull with a BANG, not with a woosh.
I’d prefer dual pistols, but yeah… any dual wield ranged weapons would be cool for hunters as a new option. They could even give rogues one spec with that option.
We don’t ‘load’ our guns or bows either.
As I said I would really love that idea it would create more class fantasy and more rp opportunity .
Before dual crossbow (that need developper art work since ranged weapon is designed 2 handed) we can ask something already implemented before to get back.
Like :
- Quivers
- Poutch
- Arrow enchantement
- Dual wield for survival
And a easy work to do is ranged weapon illusion that would be soo cool too.
Speaking as a crossbow owner…
Methinks a lot of people don’t know how crossbows actually work.
There is a reason I own a loading mechanism. After two restringing WITHOUT it, my arms are aching and my palms feel like I’ve just ran a kitchen knife across it. The fact they are in this game at all is more silly than guns and bows having ammunition that seems to appear out of nowhere and can be fired like an MG42…
Also crossbows are most effective at shorter range compared to bow and arrow.
I mean theoretically you could draw two crossbows with the goats foot mechanism and one hand, (If said Goats foot was big enough to fit, like, your boot) but the problem there is that you would then have to put one of the crossbows down, so that you could grab a bolt and load it to the other Crossbow, then put -that- crossbow down so that you could grab a bolt and load it to the second crossbow, -then- aim them both and fire…
All of which is incredibly inefficient and would take longer than just firing one crossbow twice, and also less accurate as it is going to be poorly aimed and more likely to miss.
There’s a pretty good reason people never did that in history,
Because it is amateur hour tier of missile weapons usage.
I mean you -could- do it, but your feudal lord would probably have slapped you and told you to stop being silly and actually be effective with the one Crossbow you should be using, rather than taking twice as long and then missing!
Only time that would ever even make sense would be with pistol crossbows, which frankly are a bit rubbish which is why they never really caught on apart from as an intimidation device. None of the accuracy of a normal crossbow combined with none of the power of a normal crossbow, and you couldn’t even really conceal them either.
I know fantasy writers love them, but no, seriously no…
Broadly speaking yes… but it depends what you mean by short range. Frankly at the range where a crossbow becomes better than a bow then the range is ‘already too close to be using a missile weapon and I should probably draw my sword’
You are right in that an arrow from a bow needs a certain amount of distance to build up its lethal velocity, but not as far as people think. If I loose an arrow from a bow at six foot distance you are going to have a very bad time of it. Six inches you’d probably be fine. Direct contact it would be like “Ooh, that was a slap”
A Crossbow however retains its lethal velocity at shorter ranges, but by the time that becomes an issue, what would you even be using a crossbow for anyway, unless it was trying to brain your enemy with it.