Dual spec in tbc

Conspiracy kiddo… right… what a surprise.

Try to read what you post.

Well, that applies also to yourself. Show us the example.

Wotlk feature that dont belong in TBC.

Kiddo would also fit you perfectly, I doubt you are a day above 19.

If you want no change, classic era is for you.

Thanks for your input.

He asked for “Dual Spec”, not “Dual Class” .

If you want more people in the Arena, implement a feature that turns your character to a Rogue or Mage whenever you want and you’ll have it.

dual spec would not save arena. in fact now that season 3 is coming its already over with participation of newcomers / pve players. If there wouldnt have been rating requirements for weapons in s1 and s2 which was never the case until S3… and on top of it the teams actually starting at 1500 and not 0… then arena participation would have been easily doubled.


I dont want alot of change, and yes I play classic.
TBC classic.

If you want dual spec, try retail.

And np about the input.
Its easy to spot a triggered manbaby when I see one.

This would be a great change.

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Maybe along with the dual spec treads you should bury some of the dead servers that are almost empty even in prime times cause ppl only raid log since they can’t find and dung grp or they cba pvping cause they don’t want to spent 100+ g per week for respecs

By “we” you mean you, your family and a couple of “besties”? Or you think that most of us “play” the game cause we raid log once per week?

The game probably has less ppl online as an average per day than the retail. (and i’m in a fairly healthy server in tbcc)

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I am not too sure of the need anyway. Not with how much gold we have, and how much time we spend PVE-ing.

Many ppl do all raids in one day, thats SSC+TK, and then that is immediately all and the entirity of all PVE to be done in one week.
Its a big difference from the old days where top guilds would raid f.e. tuesdays evening, thursday evening, and the whole sunday. (16h raid schedule).

Now you essentially have to respec only once a week. You can be in your pvp/arena spec for a cool 6 days and then PVE it out on PVE day. Spend 100G, probably the same money as you MAKE from trash and boss moneyloot during that PVE day.

So why bother? (it sure made more sense in the past with all those PVE stuffs going on multiple times a week).

Of course TBCC has less people playing than retail. What a stupid comment.

SL might be pretty crap, but it still has more players than all of Classic, TBCC, SoM and every Legacy P Server combined.

Shadowlands offers out-of-raid content (even if most of it is awful), as well as raid difficulty that means you can’t clear it all in 2 hours. TBCC isn’t going to magically get that by adding dual spec.

Funnily enough, every boss drops 10g. That’s 13 25 man bosses you can clear in a day. You’re probably not too good at math, so I’ll explain further:

You get 130g per week just from clearing the bosses. That doesn’t include trash drops and doesn’t include Karazhan. That means you can pay for your weekly respecs from the gold dropped by bosses alone, and still have some left over.

Gold isn’t an issue.

Paladin seals both for Horde and Alliance was not a TBC feature.
Layering was not a TBC feature.
Spell batching was not a TBC feature.
Lvl 58 boost and Dark Portal Pass were not a TBC feature.
And a long list of TBC changes.

If they made so many changes, why wouldn’t they add another QoL change that is supported by +70% of the playerbase?

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You posted 4 changes, only one of them was a good change. As I said to the arrogant rogue:

89% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

If you find that normal then the problem is even bigger. Shadowlands was empty b4 9.1 yet they managed to draw (some) ppl back. TBC is in a steady decline atm.

No, let me explain further cause seems like you are not good at maths (or the game):
Pots, food, elixirs/flasks, oils for the said raid. You need about 40-50g. Since you mentioned gold per boss + trash i find it fair to include the repair gold too, not much but still ~10g. But still those 2 (consumables+repair) ain’t much. Here comes enchants now. Last enchant i bought few weeks ago was for my pvp legs. 240g. I haven’t even bothered with 2nd weapons set ( Ethereum Life-Staff + sprt ench or merci weapon for extra resil for double dps comps). I haven’t even bothered with OS items. It’s 2022 and last thing some of us (and seems like there’s a lot of us) want to do is farm kara or play farmville/minecraft whole week so we can play bg or run a dung with proper spec every time.

And inb4 the typical “mMoS aRe SuPpOsEd To HaVe GrInD aNd FaRm, MaYbE iT’s NoT yOuR gAmE”. Then, well yea, maybe. I guess you can keep the awesome dead game, wonder why it’s dead even after content released (happened alrdy once after t5 release that ppl were hoping for some revive in that forum) and maybe in a couple of years once wotlk is over wonder why blizz doesn’t give fresh servers. Remember the “think you want but you don’t” ? Well the current tbc and som state is going towards that and partly it’s because ppl want to play the game and not prepare 4days per week so he can enjoy the other 3.

Bad though Shadowlands is, retail still has a population of over 1 million. Around 1.1 million, according to google. That’s absolutely terrible compared to previous expansions, but still incredibly high compared to legacy realms, private servers and even other MMORPGs.

That IS normal because, surprising though this might be to you: modern gamers prefer a modern style of game. I know, I know, hard to believe right?

Cute. I’m sure what you’ll have to say is incredibly interesting.

Potions, food, Elixirs/flasks and oils aren’t required. At all. After the nerfs, the content is completely steamrollable and there’s no need to min/max.

If you enjoy min/maxing and don’t mind putting that little extra effort into your gameplay, then why can’t you do the same for respeccing?

I don’t include enchanting in the cost of raiding because enchants are also needed for PVP. More so actually, because the PVE content is trivial.

I have 12k gold, I obtain that by farming for the equvilent of an hour per day. It isn’t my fault if you don’t know how to farm gold.

Also, all the gold costs you’ve mentioned aren’t relevant to DS, at all. Once again, the gold from raiding alone pays for your respecs. If you want all the extra things you’ve listed, you’re STILL going to have to farm gold.

Here’s the problem Arclai. You’re looking at too many dots and trying to connect them all together, then you’re saying “AHA! DUAL SPEC FIXES EVERYTHING!”.

It doesn’t.

Yet Classic kept us entertained and that really did involve more prep than play time. Actually, raiding in Classic costme around 3x more gold than TBC.

Oh no, updated API completely destroys my immersion, unsubbed.

arena in wow classic

ǝɯɐƃ ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ ǝq plnoʍ ʇı :ɹǝlıods

Oh we are talking for the last 2 weeks? or you are one of those guys that didn’t use them (which proves my point of being bad at the game) cause the boss will die sooner or later, it might take us 2 raid days but oh well… Btw gl in MH/BT raiding 3 days (or more if you keep farming kara in t6) and farming 4, i’m sure family/ friends/ obligations can wait. yes MH is a joke but still takes time that can be reduced if every raid member (like proper guilds do) use consumes.

And that’s exactly why some of us don’t want to spend half week farming gold. Enchanting and geming (forgot to mention gems in the prev post) both pve and pvp gear is costly enough, cba to pay even more to respect 4-5 times per week.

I’ll just pretend i didn’t read that and hopefully others too. Cause the only thing i can get out of this phrase is that you don’t care for enchants on your pve gear? or smt?

Waiting for you to enlighten me how my healer can make gold by farming 1 (out of 2 hours per day i play with exception on raid day) with no cheesy methods like “LvL a MaGe AnD sElL bOoStS iN sP”. Also gratz on the 12k gold that you’ve been saving for 3 years.

Here’s the problem Miylee. I’m looking at all those dots and i don’t even have to try and connect them. They are alrdy connected.
Gl pveing in a proper guild with not enchants/gems
GL pveing without consumables.
(unless you are one of those guilds that were 8/10 b4 t5 nerf and were asking blizz to postpone the kt/vashj even more so they can get in the 10/10 b4 nerf team months after the release)
GL pvping in 2+k arena without proper ench/gems.

You think because you like to farm/boost/daily questing, everyone has to do it. Enjoy your herb/ore gathering and bank/ah filling, enjoy you endless blizz spamming in SP or strath aoe farming with protadin or w/e, enjoy getting famous in NPC circles by increasing your rep and still doing dailies after 999/1000 BUT let me play the aspects of the game i like (dung/raid/arena), cause atm i can’t do it. I simply cba respecing 4-5 times per week simply because you want your gold to still be relevant.

Yes, ppl knew that and came back for the old time sake. Where are all those ppl now? Why som server don’t even have 1/3 of the classic population? Cause ppl simply did it once to get a nostalgia strike, some ofc did it cause they didn’t get to play back then, and not it’s over. It was fun for a year or a bit more but 30+s just cba anymore.

Edit: And because i have to go farm my respecs now for the week (kekw) and even more cba reading and writing more essays as if i’m writing my exams for certificate of competency in English all over again, i’m kinda out of this thread cause it will end like the prev. Some of us were pointing out that tbc will end up half empty cause of ppl raid-logging and DS might help the situation even b4 tbcc launch but ppl didn’t want to agree and maybe push blizz. Well we see the outcome now. Maybe things will be different in wotlk cause of it (if it’s not too late). GLHF

Cute. The content was easy pre-nerf too, but I still use consumables now because I can. Did you read the part where I said I have 12k gold, earned via 1 hour per day tops? Gold isn’t an issue.

You people using “but gold costs!!!” as an argument for DS are exaggerating. If you can’t afford 100g a week, you can’t afford the 1k upfront cost.

And FYI, MH/BT are EASIER than t5. Kael and Vashj pre-nerf are two of the hardest (mechanically) encounters TBC has to offer. Mother Shazz is a preparation fight, and we’re already getting the post-nerf version of Archimonde.

You don’t have to spend half a week, you just have to know what to efficiently farm. Aren’t you the one trying to say that I’m bad at the game?

No, PVE content really is trivial. WoTLK offers us hard modes and heroic modes, TBC doesn’t. If you’re struggling with raiding, then you shouldn’t be calling me bad.

Actually, I just farm twilight pages in Silithus. So many boostadins around that they’d rather just spend gold instead of farming them themselves.

I managed to save around 5.6k after Classic (again, Classic consumables genuinely WERE expensive, unlike TBC), all of which went on epic flying.

No, they’re not.

Fully enchanted, fully gemmed, fully buffed. Again, I have gold to spare. Again, not really needed.

Seriously, we spend most of the time in P2 of Vashj just waiting for things to spawn, the content is easy and everything dies too quickly. We also got all the adds down at a reasonable time pre-nerf too. Sometimes the Enginner would still be alive at 10% health before KT engaged.

I’m in a dad guild, not a bad guild.

Nice little “me me me” arguments you got there. You’re trying to put words in my mouth and you think that because YOU struggle then the rest of the world must be struggling too. That isn’t the case, at all.

Dual Spec isn’t about saving gold. It was NEVER about saving gold. The only argument FOR Dual Spec is that it saves TIME. That it is convenient, and means that players don’t have to download a spec saving addon. Once again, if gold is such an issue for you, you can’t afford the 1k upfront anyway.

That’s going to be the case whether DS is released or not. DS won’t bring people back, it’ll just add more people into battlegrounds. Arena activity may increase too, until people see how imbalanced TBC PVP is and they get frustrated and stop playing arena.

And lastly, do you seriously believe that DS was the thing that attracted people to WoTLK? DS wasn’t even available from the start. What attracted peopleto WoTLK was the lore (a nice contiuation from The Frozen Throne), the gameplay (Almost every spec was fun and playable) and the overall content. Whilst some of the dungeons were terrible and way too easy, the raiding was overall enjoyable, PVP was enjoyable and the outdoor world was great: Outlands on the other hand has always been rather dull.

The paid boosts aren’t an updated API. But sure, whatever tickles your pickle.

I guess i 'll answer 1 more time since you prob didn’t see my edit by the time you started your essay.

a) it’s not only about the “difficulty” of content. it’s about time consumption (and i hope that answers on if i’m struggling on content and couple other quote replies.

b) because you farm twilight texts and they sell in your server doesn’t mean it does in everyone’s, also the fact that you are willing to spend time in 60 zone to farm gold is on the border of cheesy farm method but w/e

c) you mentioned the “me me me” thing. well i have news, that’s how forums work most of the times. ppl say things and compare things from their pov with theirselves as the main axis. news reporters talk about the actions of others and analyze their pov (in political matters). The typical “wow in a community game and not about me/you” thing seems to work well when you have the same ideas as others till you don’t,
some ppl of the community ask for DS → we can’t do what you want cause it was not part of the game
some ppl of the community ask for some arena balance → we can’t do what you want cause it was not part of the game
some ppl of the community ask for barber shop (without the retail new haircuts) → we can’t do what you want cause it’s not part of the game
Cause you know, right? if i come tomorrow with my dwarf having back hair instead of orange and maybe long instead of short your experience is gonna be different.

d) gold is not a problem and DS wasn’t about saving gold but to save time cause ppl didn’t want to use addon? then why the heck do you not want it? afraid of losing some download clicks on your addons? or you think BT, MH, ZA and SP will be different if ppl play bg with their dual spec in their out of raid time instead of farming gold to give you the feeling of “we all prepare for raid”?
I guess i am getting pointed for “me me me” but the “i don’t want anything you want cause i simply don’t” is nothing to talk about.

Want to know something funny? In the time you’ve wasted trying to argue with me, you could have farmed enough gold to respec.

Oh no, one night a week on raiding. Look, I don’t care if you’re struggling or not. At all. “lol u must be bad” is your argument, not mine.

Not really, no. This method doesn’t require having an alt, or abusing any mechanics. It’s simply something that I can do that isn’t heavily contested and requires minimal effort on my part. There’s lots of things you can do for gold, you could even pick up fishing.

Cute. No. A lot of people come here ranting about what is best for them and what they want, others (myself) are more concerned with consequences.

By that same logic, why can’t I have transmog? It doesn’t affect YOU at all.

At no point have I specified what I do or do not want.

I said DS doesn’t belong in TBC and you can live without it. If DS was in the game, I would use it. As would everybody else.

Oddly enough; the same can be said for transmog, and dungeon finder. And literally every other convenience that people have been opposed too. Here’s the thing: we as people will ALWAYS choose the easy option. If we can make life easier for ourselves, we will. All the more reason to not make things easy.

The only affect that will have on me is seeing an increase in “wahhh my battleground team is full of PVE scrubs” and “oh my god enemy team had a premade, how dare people play with friends and guildies!” threads on this board.

My initial points were “DS doesn’t belong in TBC, it is a WoTLK feature” and “Gold isn’t difficult to earn”. Neither of those have been countered. The fact that you think I take a personal stance on this is laughable.

Again, you could have farmed enough respec gold in the time you’ve wasted talking to me. I don’t know what server you’re on, nor it’s economy. I think my Twilight Text method only works on big servers full of boostadins. On a smaller server, I’d recommend just fishing.

You said it yourself, consumables are expensive. There’s a rogue on this board that earns around 180g an hour from fishing. Boring? Sure. But 2 hours of fishing a week is the full costs of your raid supplies and your respec; you can also do it whilst watching netflix/youtube on another monitor.

Alternatively, take up mining. Prio to moving to Gehennas, I earned a fair bit via mining in Blades Edge.