Dual spec to saving dying game?

i tanked the daily HC yesterday. we gave up after 2 bosses. i was then insulted and /spat on by the DDs, who had died a lot during the run. one of the took it upon himself to even whisper his low opinion of my performance in very clear terms (“dogsh*t”).

now - whether they are right or wrong - your problem lies there. not dual spec. tanking with randoms is simply a nightmare in thsi game.

personally i would welcome DSpec but it will not change the tank situation

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Then why didnt you make a tank yourself then?

No we don’t want dual spec!

I don’t think that will solve the problem. But yeah, dual spec and transmog are the only things I sometimes miss when playing Classic WoW.

Why not to take best from retail? Dual spec is proven by years positive game gesign

It is? prove to me its actually positive for raids in tbc or that it have had a big enough positive impact on the “lack” of tanks and healers.

Must have a full list of characters if you had to DELETE a level 68.

Are we being totally…honest ?

why do you think i have to prove anything to you?

Becouse you said

And then you should be able to prove it

100g per week isn’t that much if you switch between tank and whatever spec. I’m probably respeccing 2-3 times in a week for pve and pvp so I’d say dual spec won’t be the solution because of the MAIN ISSUE is low player base or raid logging.

At this point I’m either boosting my alts in slave pens since can’t even find dps on Bloodfang to do dungeons or as in last night I did play on 2 chars at the same time when I was tanking on my paladin (playing holy for raiding) and did heal myself on my druid.

Too bad blizzard has banned any programs which would make multiboxing easier, mostly just for the window management, not even for input broadcasting but since ToS goes “streamline playing” that basically means any application which would make window management decent without action broadcasting like joe multiboxer, openbox etc. also like any windows based window managers pretty much are using AHK (detectable by blizz and will result ban even if you “use only window manager” and at the end streamline includes all the window managers which is really messed up if all one may want to have active window be at the middle when you alt tab and others be visible “at their specific locations”

I’d welcome dual spec, but I know it won’t happen cause #NoChanges baby crowd.

I mean, it works both ways - my main is a nearly BiS tankadin, and I just don’t have the patience to run with an unoptimized PuG group where the DPS hit like wet noodles, are somewhat uncoordinated, and the healer doesn’t give me the feel of confidence I need to keep up a good pace. I could take the dive if at least there was an incentive to do dungeons to begin with but, right now, what do you get from dungeons, exactly? Even the BoJ are kinda useless once you got the couple pieces you may possibly need.

Frankly, the big mistake here IMO was Blizzard not releasing TBC with BoE Primal Nethers and Primal Nethers buyable for BoJs - that at least would’ve given players a reason to run a dungeon even if the need no rep or gear from them.

So, gogorushrush mentality :wink: I kick dps as soon as they type “gogo” - retail rush mentality is behind this door.

And I quit teams outright as soon as I realize it’s gonna be a 1h+ long crawl - I mean, it’s all good and all if you want to play the game like this, but I don’t enjoy having to tank for slow-as-snails teams when I could just finish the whole thing in half the time and with half the effort with my guildies.

Ofc I did have good experience with PuGs as well - sometimes you get these comps like mage, lock, hunter, priest (or mage/lock/spriest/rdruid), and as a tankadin I can just run through the instance like a knife through hot butter knowing that the DPSers are just gonna melt everything in sight. But other times you get groups with a Fury Warrior who aggroes everything and deals subpar DPS, a group-misplaced caster lacking the support to play the way it’s supposed to, and a healer who thinks his only heal is Lesser Healing Wave/Flash Heal, and suddenly the whole run becomes a huge drag. Nah, I won’t waste my time for those, sorry - but hey, you can have them if you like^^ I’ll take the caster cleave comps in return :wink:

Duel spec great. Berny can do pvp and pve at same time. No dual spec = 50 g wasted for every respec + have to travel to trainer and fix keybindings. Duel spec make game better by giving players opportunity to play favorite specs.

I play a heal paladin and healed with my druid aswell had no problems in any heroic with prebis geared tanks. (Paladins tend to need a bit more heal but nothing to bad tbh)
Ofc you have a wipe here and there because of fail pulls or individual mistakes.

Also my post was not about heroics so i don’t know why you bring that up but okay. Healers that can heal heroics for the most part somewhat know what they do so i don’t care about them at all. My post was about level 68-70 Healers in “prebis” gear.

I’m really going to have to start copying and pasting a “Dual spec isn’t going to help” message.

Duell spec isnt the problem, the problem is that tanks dont need gear from heroic’s anymore. why would they run heroics for blind dps’ers that cant controll threat or healers half way afk

just no.

Tanks don’t benefit from heroics. 5pp content of BC is not popular among tanks because it is not MoP, where you could get Valor points for upgrading rank of your current raiding gear in SoO or Legion+ where you had a chance to upgrade via mythic+ chest.
With all the negatives these were the positives trying to solve the tank shortage in thouse expansions. Wrath tried different approach it had insane threat multiplier making heroics pretty nerfed and boring content that could be AoE cleared.

It is. While dps can freely switch between pve, pvp and farming - tanks can’t. I fight mobs longer, I’m burden at PvP. Having dual spec would solve A LOT for me.

True. I wish for all those dps players broken fingers.