Dual subscriptions, same account, in Pandaria Remix: Questing together possible?

Salutations, esteemed denizens of Azeroth! I come before you with a query, as I navigate the treacherous yet wondrous realms of World of Warcraft alongside my valiant daughter. Within our household, two subscriptions flourish under my account, allowing us to embark on simultaneous quests and share in the glory.

As we set our sights on the enchanting vistas of Pandaria Remix, I seek your boundless wisdom: Is it within the realm of possibility for us to forge a character each, tethered to our respective subscriptions, and unite as allies in this remixed wonderland? Should the stars align in our favor, are there any known constraints or mystical barriers that we should prepare to face?

Alas, during the tempestuous times of the Plunderstorm event, such camaraderie was not our fate, leaving me to single-handedly pursue the elusive parrot mount, a solitary figure against the storm.

May your insights guide us, and may our journey be free of disconnects and lag spikes. For the Horde? For the Alliance? Nay, for the bond of family!

My guess is if you have one BNet Account but two subscriptions under it and could not do it in Plunderstorm even though duo’s did exist, then I doubt it will work for Panda Remix.

I do find it peculiar though that you were not able to join up.

From what I know, the characters in Pandaria Remix are handled differently than those in Plunderstorm. In Plundersorm the character was linked to the account, therefore account-wide. I find the same Plunderstorm character in both subscriptions. But this time, in Pandaria Remix, the character resides in the subscription’s realm-list.

So what happens if I create two characters, one per subscription (if possible ofc), and we enter the game at the same time?

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I would presume it works as any other character really.
From what they’ve said it’s characters existing in the same realm but in a different phase, so if you are already able to play together as is then you should theoretically be able to play together in panda remix as well?

I dunno if anyone besides blizzard can give a definitive answer on this though. This event will be quite different to plunderstorm at least.

Either way I hope there won’t be any issue and that you have a wonderful time with Panda remix together :dracthyr_heart:

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