Dual Threat

Can you please remove the Dual Threat talent, it’s very clunky and looks bad. Thanks.

clunky as in how? it’s passive?

It sometimes cancels channeled abilities and disrupts animations. Also please rework shado-pan, it is bad and I don’t mean numbers wise, rather what it does is realy unintuitive.

Interrupting animations, sure, but that’s not exactly gamebreaking. I’m pretty sure it can’t cancel your channels though, that’s an entirely separate issue.

We still don’t know what’s causing SCK to stop even after it was bug-fixed. Ive never had FoF stop casting - WWs SCK has a diff implementation to MW or BrM.

I also don’t know whats unintuitive about Shado-pan. You’d need to give examples otherwise posts like this are redundant.

P.S. idk if conduit stops channeling because I don’t play it.

It does, but it’s probably the same problem as with sck. So, cause unknown.

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