Hi, a while ago Blizzard gave foxes to the Horde. Now its in the list of top 10 most popular WoW races. While “recolored” gnomes are on the last place.
Source: https://wowanalytica.com/statistics/region/us
Currently it’s clear disbalance in the word toward the Horde (~36% Alliance vs ~64% Horde). To fix it Blizzard must give something better to the Alliance.
Blizzard added ducks in the previous expansion. Some of them were big enough to make you think twice before crossing their path. So, just as foxes have evolved to grow arms, why not imagine a small tribe of ducks evolving to have arms instead of wings? Just picture it—ducks strutting around, flexing their new muscles. Quack-tastic!"
But of course we already have many ugly bird-race creatures that have arms instead of the wings. To be really concurrent vs foxes, they must be also cute!