Dueling outside of Stormwind

Is there any good reason to even have more then 1 char, or even that.
In my long lasting wow career I have always felt that dueling is my thing. Logging to wow with your main and going outside of stormwind and dueling peeps all around.
Then comes the REAL problem. If I’m dueling someone and I wanna give my alt character a go, there is literally like 0% chance that I get to the right shard( not sure if its shard, or battlegroup or wtf is it) but its killing wow for me. I just want to go outside of Stormwind and see familiar faces and that one guy who is the reason why I logged my other character.

Blizzard PLS

Ps. if someone knows way around this problem without inviting anyone, please share your wisdoms.

Weird. Outside of SW is usually one shard, only shard problem should be in cap cities or current expansion zones. Was my understanding. Certainly, any time I’ve arranged to meet someone in old zones they’ve always been there.

Nah there are sadly shards outside org and stormwind. Confirmed when i wanted to duel a guildie of mine and we couldn’t see eachother (both had wm on). He invited me and i went to a shard that had 3 players instead of 18

Dayum. I guess there can be one shard, but the shard manager auto creates a second, third, etc. shard if needed. I always thought was one shard in zones outside current zones! But… now that I think of it… I do seem to remember getting shard shunted outside Org one time. Strewth.

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