Dump your conquest

If you dont know what to do with your conqust - you can dump it to buy the rnd equipment boxes and dont open them until after the season. If opened after season end they will contain some gold, 200 i think.

This macro will auto click the popup which asks you if you rly want to buy the box.

/click StaticPopup1Button1

Bind this macro to a key and smash it while right clicking the conqeust boxes to dump all conquest in seconds.

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The alternative is using an addon called BuyEmAll which buys all the boxes at once for you with a single click (by doing Shift + right click with the mouse on the item when you opened the vendor page)

I usually just get the addon, buy all the conquest, then remove the addon until the next season I need to do this

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But do these boxes turn into gold in pre patch or when expansion goes live?

After the season ends

so next wednesday

if you open them on wednesday they contain a gray item, worth 200g

Woah, 200 g for single box? Its like 3000g for 5000 conquest? I hope token wont spike to the moon :face_holding_back_tears:

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Im confused. Did you expect more?

It’s better then nothing and if u got like 100k+ conquest it will be better then buying shields atleast.

Shields? How come?

Nice I have over 25k conquest each on 8 characters, could have more but I havent played so much this season. Some have just 1 character for all season with barely 20 games, I understand they wont gain much from this.

How have you gotten so much? When was the last time you touched grass?!

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Im playing two accounts, Im never just waiting 40min without doing something. :slight_smile:

works well. ty.

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