Dunemaul (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Tombi - Tauran Shaman Dark Horizons / Cold Blooded


Go on then got the rose tinted glasses on :slight_smile:

Chugg - Orc - Warrior
Guild - Dark Horizons

hoping to play with all the old DH crew again :slight_smile:
Windwizard - Bula - BTK - Salek/Poxie

Fun times :slight_smile:
can i link this ?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doV3ig6UnMA


Gattagoblin troll rogue @Dark Horizons


Doopie - Tauren shaman raided with Lols, Ravenous & Cold Blooded during vanilla also did rank 14 pvp grinding with a team cant remember the names anymore :frowning: .

Doopinator - BE Warlock raided with night stalkers, Rigor mortis during TBC &
Iron edge during WOTLK.

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Talfor-Troll Rogue -Iron Edge- looking for anyone from the old Iron edge crew

Fendrun - Tauren shaman (still am)
@Dark Horizons
Fun times raiding in MC, BWL AQ


guys its golemagg server :slight_smile:

add me Setheus#2541

Stimmer, undead rogue. Used to run with the guys from Fearsome War Engine, Dark Horizons and finally, Bloodrage. Moved with the BR to Tarren Mill when the lag became unbearable.

Lots of familiar names!

Name: Treachery, Undead Mage
Guild: Dark Horizons (Iron Edge at the end of Vanilla)

See you on Golemagg! Rolled same name, class and race but different haircut.

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Name: Ignition, Tauren Hunter
Guild: The Ancient, Fallen (short period before TBC)

Gonna play again with a friend but we haven’t decided which server yet (either Gole or Shazz).


Hexx Troll Rogue
The Black Fury
Familiar names here! Also Hi gattagoblin!

We made a Dunemaul / Dark Horizons channel come and join us, we got great plans :smiley:

Undead priest
guild: recipe for love


this character

Zax, undead priest, guild recipe for love

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I’m Anthrax from Terra Nova and Fallen man :). It’s funny to see you also migrated to Twisting Nether after a while. In TBC I played as Dahren (pala) with Ravenous. Afterwards I only played casually on Twisting Nether. I’m thinking about playing vanilla, I did some test to see if I would still like it but haven’t really decided yet.

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Mortahk - Undead Warrior
Doctah - Undead Priest

The Ancient


Warcry - Tauren Warrior

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Madow - Undead Priest

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Hiereus, Troll Priest.

Was in Sacred Divinity (Alliance, as Huggy, Gnome mage).

Remember rerolling priest after agreeing with some guys from Ravenous that they needed a priest. They boosted and geared me.

Was in: Ravenous (lacked raid spots when I hit 60), Iron Edge (very brief, as they also could not offer raid slot after all), then The Ancient/BloodRage.

Had good times in Sacred Divinity and The Ancient. Would be cool to hookup.

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