In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Dunemaul in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Azurt Tauren Warrior
Looking for players who used to be in Tera Nova or Fallen.
Mimz, Goldenforce, Alyg, Thevampire, Metus, Filikosmagos, Dangubis, Eno, Turbospawn, Anthrax, Cloudeh, Bladeborris, Roguewarrior and Weazel. May have forgotten some.
I used to be Craw, tauren warrior on Dunemaul.
Edit: I raided a bit on/off throughout vanilla, and I was part of Legion of Lost Souls, Restyle (disbanded during free migrations) and Ravenous for a while.
In TBC I raided on my rogue, Lizud, in In Virtue and then later in In Flames.
Right now it looks like I’ll be playing on Shazzrah, but not 100% decided yet.
If anyone wants to stay in touch, you can reach out on Discord, my tag is Hackwork#1639
Olov - Orc Warrior
Off-tank for Legion of Lost Souls. Looking for any old guildmates who are looking to raid once more 
Akuro - Orc Shaman, Server first to hand in Onyxia’s Head
Guild: Ravenous
Looking to catch up, how’s life? Did you get kids? and maybe own some content.
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Snorkil - Troll Mage
From Legion of Lost Souls and some other guilds after that.
Gwethir - Tauren Shaman
<Terra Nova> (sp?)
Wagmus - Troll Mage
Former guild : Fearsome War Engine.
Looking for Luderho and Azurt 
Only started raiding in WOTLK. I was in the following guilds:
Rigor Mortis
Eno, Tauren Druid.
Terra Nova and Fallen mainly.
Looking for anyone who I played with and is going to be playing / trying classic. Feel free to add me on Battle .net.
Going onto Golemagg server, so hopefully will see you all in game!
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I was Nemorn, a shaman on Dunemaul in the guild Gnome Grinders.
Pakan - Undead Warlock from The Ancient and then BloodRage.
I played mostly PvE but I remember playing in some PvP-teams with Zukan, Fortress, Fylla, Gorbag and Darkmistress. I also remember the movies from the rogue in AFGM whatever he was called. Supercommand from Ravenous was probably the most chill guy on Vent I’ve ever talked to and I remember doing quite some pug-type things with Iron Edge.
Tauren Druid
Rigor Mortis
Dark Horisont
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I was,
Feg - Undead Rogue in Gnome grinders
Gef - Undead Preist in (TBC) Revolution of Lemmings and Release and Run
Also talking to Surer - Undead Warlock from Gnome grinders on the phone, atm 
Linx tauren hunter - A Few Good Men
I remember Craw, I think. He was a tank, wasn’t he?
/Nemorn from those days (shaman)
Astinomia, Troll shaman
Astino, undead mage
Guild: Dark Horizon
Zakuak - Undead - Shadowpriest / DarkHorizons
Alive - Undead - Rogue / DarkHorizons