Dungeon and Raid Tuning and Updates This Week

I dont think there has been alot of complaints? Havent noticed at least. But blizzard sits on the data and numbers and can see where ppl are struggeling i guess. NW was horrible, i’m glad its getting tuned a bit.


Those “horrible” spots were the ones I enjoyed the most… Yes it caused wipes… it caused lost runs… People just want to always win even if they are terrible players, so Blizzard delivers that… I personally enjoyed those moments when we barely survived the most. I loved the adrenalin before engaging those mobs… but if Blizzard wants to turn them to another normal boring packs where you just close your eyes and keep hitting 1 2 3 until everything is dead, that´s their choice. I will be done with this game soon anyways so it´s not like my opinion actually mattered… but I am still sad how the last bits of challenge are constantly being removed from this game.

Push higher keys instead then? :woman_shrugging:t3: It gets harder and wont be a walkover.


Any changes to Glacial Fragments not working on the NW platform? Is this being considered by the devs?


Says the flying Nintendo switch boy , get out of here.

Yeah… the issue is I am very casual player and I tried to run it several times with pugs but it just does not work, even at higher keys people don´t know the basic mechanics which I as a healer really can´t stand and honestly I don´t have time and patience spending hours composing the right group… I was hoping I could occassionaly play with my RL friends, but sadly they don´t want to play this game anymore, all of them play Classic…

Then maybe, if its clear a certain dungeon «doesnt work» in pugs, then just maybe a little tuning might be needed? Not saying they should make it a lol faceroll dungeon, but my experience with NW is that it is a horrible dungeon no matter the affixes. Yes i’m not the best player and have to «git gud», but i still think a little tuning there isnt bad. Also great that the spears and hammers now persist through death.

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I am pretty sure blizz got the data. We didnt really complain about the nerfed dungeons. SD is our first +13 timed, and we do always really well on NW. It is more the added affixes that duck up these runs.

On 2nd boss NW we frost trap and repentence the mages. So blizz can nerf volly damage, but it has no influence there.

Gg Blizz, nerfing the game for the casuals.

I remember when the game took skill.

Pressing Frostbolt sure was l33t skill. Oh, and kiting was so prevalent in +3 keys, right?

If it is about M+, then just do a level or 2 higher :man_shrugging:

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Yeah we cheese the mages aswell, that boss isnt an issue for us :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: havent done alot of NW, but it always go wrong somewhere for us :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Try doubling the number after the “+” on the keys you run then come back to share your experience once more. (I’m not trying to be offensive here, mind that, it’s just that either trash or bosses in those dungeons that got hit with nerfs were seemingly designed without how they will scale with affixes in mind at all).

Same here plus PF too (on tyrannical it’s “all fine then half of the run time is spent on last boss”, on fortified there are multiple packs where a single mistake might wipe you. Also RESPAWN POINT why is it at the start only until two bosses down).

Gotta be awkward for you when even my DK can reset Tenderize. Maybe just get good and kite instead of thinking “iM tAnK i TaKe HiT”

I think this dungeon did not work in pugs because there are mobs to kick and kiting is needed. In my opinion the only two mechanics in the game that actually needed players´ attention. NW was my first dungeon I learned on Mythic and when I was then moving to other dungeons, I was surprised to see there is not much to pay the attention to in other instances… so despite I am far from being a best player and I am not running higher keys, instead of nerfing NW I would increase the diffiulty of other instances. If players cannot kick, I would not nerf the HP of caster mobs. This way they will never learn to kick… So I would actually made it harder so at even low mythic keys you actually need to follow the game mechanics. But perhaps Blizzard intention is that the lower Mythics levels aren´t supposed to be played that way and the real game starts at Mythic 15+. If that is true, then obviously it is working as intended and the nerf is ok so every fresh 60 can finish the NW +6 in time.

Yeah that was my original plan, but again I just don´t have patience with pugs and my friends left… Last week we were waiting almost 30 minutes for the last dmg to ensure smooth run… and we ended up with shaman who had good item level, but was doing ridiculous dmg and did not even know he had BL. We run Mists and in the maze he just kept going the wrong way and the group disbanded… so I tried another run - this time HoA, but nobody knew they had to kill Explosive Orbs and so after few wipes it was me doing it as a healer…

So I know this is not game´s fault, but the only way for me to spend more time playing higher keys is if my friends play with me and we have a stable group. I won´t waste any more time with pugs… I just run few runs per week to get my chest and that´s it.

On one hand is the challenge, on the other hand is that a lot of players don’t get into parties because if you don’t run certain comp with BDK tank for example and don’t use discord or something it’s almost impossible to get rid some of these stacks as BDK. It’s not my experience, it’s what I hear from guildies on DC.

Ofc if you are in DC and you are with a comp that allows BDK to get rid of the stacks it’s easy run. You just call your CC’s and gtfo with DK from mobs. But than you are set to run with limited amount of classes and even than randoms don’t want to pick you up because lol BDK why don’t you reroll to VDH.

Yeah that´s true :frowning: Poor classes balance obviously made this worse…

The problem is how you reset the debuff. Kiting space is limited, and the damn thing is not stunnable and mostly immune to slows, so it’s not that easy to reset the debuff unless someone else takes it for you, or you have some sort of immunity reset.
You can have thinking mechanics, as long as they are balanced.

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CC Any of the small Parts and the patrol will stop. This will let you clear the 3 corners leaving plenty of space to kite when needed.

Or you could idk… use a speed pot if you don’t have a leap?

I hate it too.