Dungeon and Raid Tuning and Updates This Week

Tank which it’s running around as you pro’s say so “kiting” it’s not a tank and that’s a period. Plus you nintendo switch boys are annoying as … do to the fact you look like the damn batman.

Hello Songen,

Thank you for expressing your opinion!

In the future please make sure to write in a coherent manner to be taken seriously. To avoid being laughed at please avoid making passive aggressive remarks on the forums because you hate someone’s class.

Thank you.

Instead of fixing class problems they nerf dungeons…


“Blizzard never does tuning. They’re so lazy.”

“Ok, Blizzard does tuning, but it’s not the tuning I want, so they still suck.”

People always say Blizzards communication sucks. And imo it does.

But when I read the replies to this, I’m not surprised.


Initial packs in Tirna sithe which destroy tanks through def CDs? Or they are mandatory to kite

I think they are meant to be kited since they heal from the damage too.

@ Dejarous

Eh…dont kick someone who’s already injured :frowning: As frost got the low representation it has, I think bug like these are just silly and long time it take to fix it.

Good thing there are lower key levels if you don’t like doing anything challenging.

Now can you finally fix covenants its quite obvious they are not balanced at all not even close.

its better than bfa for sure, still was stupid there, its stupid here, especially when you have corridor designed dungeons with little to no space available.

Did you nerf the nerfed after writing it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh no you had to do interrupts, cc and know basic strats for the bosses, what a torture!

NW was a bit hard but nothing crazy compared to what we’ve experienced before.

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Only explanation I could see there, is that maybe the mage adds in the boss fight are scaled differently than the mages in the regular trash.

Looks like you missed the part where M+ was scaling into infinity so you can just do NW on +20 instead of +17 for example.

Sure, easier bosses, but casuals ain’t going to bother playing when they have 0.0000000000000001% of chance of getting loot from over 20 dungeon runs. And just forget about M+ or raid, they are lootless for most of the group. Then you head over to the vault to get ONE item per week that is 95% a duplicate ya don’t need.

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Those The Necrotic Wake changes almost turning into a new hobbit book with how long it was.

they are under the boss part of it… literally the next bullet point…

Ya, lazy approach.

Is this a dream? It’s a healer dream for sure!

I just have a feeling this Dungeon was a bit overtuned eh?

If you nerf the gauntlet part and increase the time between Piercing Blurs on that stupid last boss on Sanguine Dephts so we have more than 1 second to dodge them i will be subbed for this whole expansion.

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I mean, everyone knew NW was the key that killed your week and it sucked to get it in the vault, but I think we had to wait for some eSport thing to finish before the devs were allowed to touch M+ tuning?