Its really time WOW starts making dungeons that are not spec related.
( except mythics )
Starting to get annoyed that within 2 min there are 3 dps and a healer, but you always have to wait for a tank to join.
I changed my build and want new weapons, but it literally takes weeks like this since the droprate is also insanely low.
Why cant WOW not do like Elderscrolls or Final fantasy. Four man dungeons, no spec related. Even 4 healers should be able to do dungeons as a group.
I ll bet the time needed to get into dungeons will be drasticly reduced.
And nowaydays Heroics have BETTER gear then the 1st two raids !!! ( hows that even possible ? ilvl 428 against 385 !!! )
While writing this I am in LFG for a dungeon hitting the 50 min mark waiting for a tank.
I seriously hope to see a change like this in the future. At least it would help getting more gear to help with my enchanting (rediculous profession system now), but thats a whole different story.