Dungeon deserter after leaving raid finder after killing first boss

As the title says, I received the 30 minute dungeon deserter debuff after leaving an LFR after first boss. I left after this boss because the first time i queued up for it, it put me in a group with this boss dead. Do you expect me to kill bosses im locked to because of the way your system works? Please blizz, fix these kind of things, this cannot be what you intended (unless of-course if the people implementing such a change dont play the game). They make the game less enjoyable.


So far the change has been live for awhile and other patches have went through. It cannot be denied at this point that it is certainly intended by now.

The only change was the 30 minute penalty also applying to Early Dungeon Deserters.

This is a bad faith argument.

Nobody likes leavers either. It makes the game less enjoyable. See below.

So you left, and you received a penalty.

Yes. You will be otherwise put into in-progress raids again and those who finish a whole raid will be prioritised for a fresh run. This part hasn’t been changed for awhile.

Especially it was changed back then to not show bosses killed because nobody would join not-fresh runs or LFRaids would keep stalling eternally never forming fresh runs.

From your other posts you claim this debuff did not apply in the past, it appears to have applied as soon as Patch 5.4.2. from a WoWhead comment:

Even 1 expansion back for Dragonflight at reddit:


Ergo: It is not me who is “gaslighting” it is you who wants to see a change to the game and then making such inflammatory comments.

If you do have feedback about it you’re free to add it through the ingame box.


Answer me this: how exactly does waitin 2 mins in an lfr queue while killing the trash before the next boss make the game less fun. Being unable to queue up again for 30 mins or killing bosses that i cant roll for loot on is demonstatably less fun. If you’re saying otherwise then your entire argument is invalid, and i will refuse to respect your opinion.

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The lies we choose to believe. Can’t even count the amount of times I was put into in-progress LFR back-to-back.

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This is patently wrong, and you seem not to be playing the game, otherwise you would know this. In raid finder, for many many expansions (possibly nearly always), you have always been able to leave a raid finder run without deserter penalty, if you have previously killed all the remaining bosses. This was once implemented because people got angry after waiting a long time in queue and then when the queue pops they only get to kill say the last boss out of 3, and then they have to requeue.

Kuraji is correct, and this is terrible change.

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i think the change is good ppl should even get more penalty for leaving anything early or in lfr and groupfinder szenarios, where you que with a random group like heroic or mythic dungeon or lfr raid i would even go so far as putting all the loot you can get at the absolute end of the run / raid. thx

I will explain to you, devs!

  • I queue LFR
  • First boss already dead
  • You continue 2 last bosses you need
  • Requeue coz you need first boss
  • You killed and left coz you already killed 2 last bosses ofc you cant loot twice
  • You get deserter for no reason
  • There is no REASON to get deserter coz you already killed 2 last bosses!
  • Tell me why would I rekill 2 last bosses? I cant loot twice, ONLY ONCE PER WEEK.



It’s just a 30 mins. Jeez, grap a bite or something while waiting.

You can do it yourself! Dont tell us what to do so stop supporting bad design, thank you!

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IF you havent killed the bosses ALREADY, i fully agree that you should get a debuff. That is not what we are talking about here though. Also, im not sure where youve gotten the information that you can random queue mythic dungeons, as that is completely incorrect.

Multiple people that actually verifyably play the game (i.e. are not 77 over a month into a new expantion) have cooborated my story. What you seem to have found are people getting deserter debuffs from not already killing the remaining bosses, complaints before the change was originally made, or just one off bugs.

I mean, you deserted the raid after the first boss, so you got a deserter debuff?

when you leave the raid after the first boss, you’re just kicking the can down the road and causing someone else to have to do two runs to get their kills.

why not just finish the raid? it’s raid finder. it takes like 2 minutes.

this happens to me constantly. i queue for the raid get in 2 bosses dead, kill last boss and then requeue for the first 2 i missed leave and get punished great game mechanic. and its only 30 mins some of us dont have loads of time to play due to working and real life commitments

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I play since 05/2005. This has never happened before. The game uses us to fill a leaver’s spot in a raid that has already killed some bosses. Helping the game complete that instance was the reason we didn’t get deserter until this expansion. There is no reason for us to stay in a raid killing bosses we already killed, and therefor there’s no loot. So either they should remove this crap and return the system as it was before, or let us loot again the remaining bosses we have already looted, or give us the choice not to enter an already started raid.

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