Dungeon Deserter Debuff

I don’t think it’s fair that we get a dungeon deserter debuff when getting removed from a group. I was tanking Halls of Lightning on timewalking. People pulling ahead of me so i’m dealing with trash mobs, then they pull the first boss, i take aggro and type “give me a break, i can tank this if i don’t have to fight everyone” couldn’t formulate myself quick enough since i was tanking aswell. and i get removed from group. nobody had died, and i was doing my best to pick up all the mobs that other people were pulling. Get out of the dungeon and can’t even queue again because 30 min dungeon deserter, please reconsider this blizzard, we have enough issues with getting tanks and healers in the game without them being locked behind some artificial 30 min cd because of impatient people. Sorry for rant, was just really surprised about the cd.

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The thing is, without the CD the same tank/healers can also just say “just kick me, I can find a new group instanteously anyway” or “I don’t like this dungeon, pls kick so I can requeue” etc etc.

This iteration is the least worst of many versions.

If you got a better idea, please suggest it through the ingame box (not removing the debuff, you may send in that opinion but they won’t).


Yeah, and this would totally happen.

I think they should make it a bit harder to kick. There should be a window with a few things to fill in. A drop down list with Reason for Removing Player. A box where you have to type your Character name as a signature. Would take 30 seconds to fill in. The the Accept button would be greyed out for 30 seconds for the other players.

This would mean that if a player had to be kicked they could be but it would take a minute or so.
But most frivulous kicks would be detered.

It would also provide data to Bliz as to why most Kicks happen. Then they could try to implement solutions to prevent the kicks. Do tanks need more training? Do dps need more training or encouragement to use CC / Interupts? Are mechanics not being telegramed well enough? Are certain classes underperforming in certain areas?


I’d like to echo what Saneko said. I’ll admit, I played for a bit on a private server years ago. A very prevalent issue was the dungeon finder penalty missing exactly. There would be people holding the group hostage. It happened very often. You could, theoretically, report them, but I’m not sure i believe in the system.

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Like I totally understand your frustations, the “go go go” mentality must actually really go. People are way too impatient, they expect to rush through content… Even if they are not prepared for it first timing it ever (not going through it again, real first time) with subpar gear.

Back in MoP it was like Classic all over again when we pull one pack, at a time, carefully move sweeping room from room and here they just pull 3 packs at once and expect to go kablam boom retail orcbahmkebab mode.

Makes me want to have a “newbie-friendly” queue next to the standard one instead. Same rewards to avoid abuse or maybe an one time clear reward if the whole group stays from begin to end to promote being more friendly.


Doing this in heroic scenarios and dungeons right now with smart usage of my cranes tanking certain enemies was honestly some of the most fun I’ve had with wow in a while.

Yeah, if they could only have an optin in the LFD window for Run type (Fast or Slow) that would be so useful. The problem would be enforcing it. Would slow dungeons have some mechanic to ensure that players were joining just for quicker queues and then rushing anyhow.

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I understand and i actually remember back when we’d have the just kick me mentality. I should have clarified earlier, 30 min waiting time because you got kicked is alot of time. Maybe lower it to 10 minutes, still penalty but not dreadful waiting around. Expecially if you’re helping a friend and someone randomly kicks you, like in this case i was helping a friend level her warlock and because i asked them to stop pulling for me (i wasn’t even moving slow) but the running around trying to get aggro off of all the things on my dh tank with all the mobs in those wotlk dungeons being placed so far apart from each other is frustrating, expecially the casters. Like just let me jump in and get my first hit. The amount of Leap’s of Faith and the evoker carry thing that’s been used on me since yesterday is ridiculus. Even got some of those annoyance suppressor consumables to try to stop it, but they just keep getting cleared off even though it should have a 12 hour duration… Like if i’m tanking and i’m stopping up, it’s either to make sure the healer is there or i need a sip of my drink or something. We aren’t machines that need to non stop run. It’s not a m+ with a time limit, but again, i was pulling as fast as possible and as many mobs as i was comfortable with on my dh that’s been laying at 50 since BFA and had no tank trinkets and not optimized gear, i mean it’s timewalking so it’s just for exp. I know tactics for all of those dungeons as I no lifed it back in wrath and was a tank for half of that expansion.

Wall of text crits again!

Rarely happens, the good outweighs the bad.

But the mentality of such people this is all that goes in their head:

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