No it’s definitely not intentional because if your group decides not to continue or cannot kill final boss the first two ? people to leave still get deserter. It also never worked this way in OG Cata. Furthermore, it’s not outlined in patch notes any where if it were to be intentional.
I noticed it yesterday when a group I was healing was wiping on trash in Vortex Pinnacle between second and third boss because no one would interrupt so I just left cause I was in more than 15 mins so thought I would just requeue. Instead 30 min deserter after spending 20 mins in the dungeon.
I wanted to double check so I logged on an alt and intentionally left after first boss of another dungeon and also 30 min debuff.
It’s still going to be faster to wait for the debuff to go away rather than to do deadmines with a terrible group.
In the meantime people can just do a dungeon on their alts.
All this does is penalize people who need to leave the dungeon after the group falls apart.
remove it; complete nonsense! If people dont like the dungeon they are in they should be able to leave! Very simple
Instead of punishing those that leave address the actual issue here which obviously is lack of extra search options such as; We should be able to upvote 3 dungeons and downvote up to 3 dungeons! This would ACTUALLY ADDRESSS the issue instead of punishing people FOR NO DAMN REASON!
We have this in StarCraft 2 for a reason; the past is a good place to look when you’re trying to solve problems we ALREADY figured out a solution to!
Then some dungeons would never be ran and people gearing up wouldnt be able to get gear they need. Also, this option already exists, just select the specific dungeons you want. If you dont like certain dungeons, then dont get upset when random puts you in it.
This whole “me, me, me” mentality is an issue with older versions of the game. It is still very much a MMO. When you leave, or others leave, the group has to then sit and wait for replacements when they’ve already waited in a queue. The debuff needs increased.