Dungeon deserter

Who’s brilliant idea was to punish people f’d over by being kicked out of random dungeon? 30 minutes debuff without doing anything negative towards anyone and making ok dps.

This is straight up bullying mechanism. I hate your game, seriously.


Did you ninja something ? Or did dps below healer ,m

Dont be shy admit it :slight_smile: truth will set you free :wink:

I didnt need anything and the dungeon was so in beginning that no real indication of dps could be yet seen, but I know I didn’t do bad dps as the rotation of dotting and aoeing huge mobs of trash doesn’t require much.

I was intending to give this game one more chance but the toxic community and devs choice to keep so abusive mechanism in the game made the choice for me and I wont be resubbing. Didn’t even make it to 85 to realise what’s best lmao so I consider this time and money saved.


The debuff itself has been part of the system almost since the Vote to Kick system was introduced. It became an unfortunate necessity as certain players would urge the group, by request or by being a nuisance, to vote them out in order to avoid receiving a deserter debuff.

If you have suggestions on its improvement you can always use the ingame suggestion box.

It isn’t new thing but classic hasn’t been no changes for a long time so there’s no excuse for it to not be removed or changed. Imagine someone having 45 minutes of their day to play wow so they queue up for random dungeon, wait 10 minutes for it to pop and then soon after get kicked for nothing and sanctioned for it essentially deleting his time to play wow the way he desired.

I don’t expect anything else than voting with wallet to change things so that’s what I will do.

Thank’s for listening guys I just wanted to vent. Now I will disappear from this game with depressing players, forever as this just happened to be the final straw.

I wish all the good ones left who play this game as happy moments with it as possible.

Normal playas: do entire dungeon
Troll playas: leave after the first boss is dead
Berny: leave when the first boss is pulled
Berny is tank btw


You can not even kick anyone in the very beginning of the dungeon, so there is plenty of time for people to see your dps or your gear. For example I’d vote kick someone cheating their way in to heroics with bagged ilvl gear and doing too low dps because of it.

I got kicked about 3 minutes in to dungeon so you’re wrong

In all my heroics i´ve witnessed a total of 3 remove requests which all were just, maybe some more than the other but they were just.

This is not to say that the abuse of the function does not happen, but oh well, you can always build your own group and save you the trouble.

Yeah if you try to vote kick in the beginning of the dungeon, it says “That player can not be kicked for another 3 minutes”. So I’m guessing it’s on a 4 or 5 minute timer.

after first boss, someone wanted to kick out a mage because of low dps. He was just geared to enter heroics and he played frost. on ST dmg he did good dmg but obviously not top dmg. In AoE pulls he wasnt doing that great dps but was still in allround 70% of the blood dk ( you cant outdps a blood dk tank in aoe dps with the minimal gear and on frost mage specc, even with met classes and minimal gear you will struggle to beat a tank dk in dmg on aoe)

so they just removed him by vote, i clicked no but wasnt enough. So next boss fight, i went afk for this toxic behaviour and after they compained i pulled 10 trashpacks with tricks on the dps that iniciated the vote kick during the bossfights.

If Karma doesnt happen, i will happen cause i wont just accept such behaviour by them and will make them pay by costing them repair and time cause they thought they get time wasted just when someone plays a specc they like and doing a bit less dps then meta speccs ill show what wasted time is… they may vote kick me afterwards but i dont care, their beloved flawless run was ruined with a bosswipe anyways, and that is enough for me to make them pay for this

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Well i still prefer people Who ask for get kcicked, than people Who Kick others with desertor penality… Its like, yo punish 1/100 players lets punish 100%…
The only ways i see to improve the system are:

-Workers that control in real time, Kick respuests. (Near Imposible)
-Quit the desertor when get kicked.
(For the reason i tell before)

Its not fair punish all players for 1-10% bad players behaviour…

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Could be number of things. Hard to say from here what “good dmg” means to you, when you’re not providing any examples from the damage meter. I’ve done many heroics with frost mages and they’ve been always above average and not seen as the extreme bottom dps in single or aoe.
The only thing you did here was just lowering yourself even lower than what the votekickers did by non participation and griefing, which is actually bannable.

and what they should do is report you for greifing the dungeon.

what you did is 10 times worse then what they did .

its hillarious that you dont see that you were muhc more toxic then they were .

Oh no, it’s called pay with the same Coin… If you have a toxic behaviour, you would expect others have same behaviour with you…

You full dicovered yourself as the toxic defensor of toxics…

And of course, one of the greatest Trolls i saw o Blizzard forums :rofl:

And thanks, you help me remember why dont enter in forums… :rofl: I allways forgot that Trolls are not normal people that we should Talk or duscuss with…

Have a nice day, and Hope we Will never meet in game, ill remember your name to Kick you before you Kick someone better :rofl::yum:

16.5k dps on a dungeon boss st and 13k on the first 4 mob pulls ( 4 mobs per group mediab living duration) that this dungeon had. After first boss he got kicked.

i would lower myself if i did it to completly innocent players, but they were not. i dont do this to random players to sabotage them. i gave the ones punishing a innocent frost mage that did nothing wrong and got a 30 minute block from the content he wanted to do a little bit of their own medicine.

well Blizzards isnt doing something against this behaviour, so do ppl that are part of the community then. The ones getting their ticket where 1:1 the ones deserving it.

The only one who was not responsible was the new one that came in, i wispered him before to alraey apologize and he even understood it.

There are in fact players that are new, that dont know the mechanics yet or learn and need to get better. The game cannot exist by a bunch of **** elitists. I stand for the ones that just want to enjoy and play a game, not those elitist sweaty eogistic players

treat others how you want to be treated yourself. But sometimes one has to show them how they treat others

Pugs, RFD and Dungeon Deserter will never be perfect.

If you want to avoid any issues, make your own group!
Cant be bothered? Well, just learn to live with it.

Hmm actually, when you want to punish those players, cause “abusing” the vote kick isnt abusing cuase the game allows it, just start needign on all the mail/plate gears as leather or intelect gear as str/agi specc cause the game allows you to need on it. :person_shrugging:

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What they did is on line with terms of service.

What you did is bannable offense if 4 of them report you youvwoudk get infraction .

I personaly wouldnt kick Jim but clealry the group decided differently.

You have to follow the majority . Or just leave if you dont agree.

Angina only toxic person in this case were you

That’s exactly what i’m doing on last bosses :slight_smile: those enchanting shards wont collect themselves :slight_smile: