Dungeon Deserteur after beeing kicked for Loot


just need to make some breath after this hilarious nonsense mechanic. Were walking a HC and the full epic geared Tank needs on the DPS trinket for friend who is also in the Group. After asking twice why hes needing the item since he had like the best tank trinkets available ive got vote kicked by the group.

Not only they had the audacity to steal the item, they just kicked me from the group with 30mins dungeon deserter. Thats a shoutout and reminder to all PPL to not just click “YES” when someone is voted to get kicked. Blizzard should really make some differences for the vote kick or punish the abusement of this.

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changed character to main.

They did not “steal” it, they rolled equally as a dungeon participant and in this case not for themselves but for their friend as you noted yourself earlier.

It could be a (mini)-boost by the group if the majority decided to boot you out after you keep spamming about it, disrupting the dungeon run. There is only one part of the story here.

If additional parameters will be introduced for votekicking, it would make no difference. The VTK would still be there.

It is not considered abuse to be kicked for any or no reason.

If you do have suggestions on the improvement of the VTK you can always make suggestions about it ingame.


well i didnt think the harsh treatment would be continued here but well i guess the rudeness is more common than i thought?

i can hardly believe blizzard wants ppl to roll on loot they dont need just for their “friends” to get it. Otherwise they wouldnt have implemented the feature to only roll on items of your class later.
Not only you implied i would have spammed, you also defend such behaviour of kicking ppl without a real reason.
thanks for the lovely respond.

It is true that the “need” on your own class was implemented later, but we also see the same thing happen in Retail raiding where loot can be traded back - either sold or given to their friends/guildies.

It is a Blizzard policy as a reminder. If it goes through, it is deemed valid. They don’t need a reason, you believe they need a reason. That is an opinion you can have about it.

The official stance of Blizzard however is next to the linked policy above:

“The debuff itself has been part of the system almost since the Vote to Kick system was introduced. It became an unfortunate necessity as certain players would urge the group, by request or by being a nuisance, to vote them out in order to avoid receiving a deserter debuff.”

To give an extended analysis on why it wouldn’t solve anything:

It would make no difference to the so-called “abuse” of VTK. The VTK will still be used.

Blizzard encourages that groups gets replacements, that is why for example LFR doesn’t show bosses killed or that in progress LFRaids get prioritised to be filled by new LFR queuers.

To add a counter condition of that a group or raid cannot receive reinforcements for 10 minutes can make the replacement system significantly worse.

As that means any new queuers would first need to backfill a potential whole whopping 10 minutes queued group or LFR that needed those 10 minutes prior and not solve anything but introduce additional problems and doesn’t discourage the use of VTK.

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If you dont like how the pug world is, then dont pug. Make your own grp, and your own loot rules. Simple!

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Well thats the easy solution for peopel act like a sheep. Just ignoring Blizzard’s acts which are open to harrasments. So rather than critisize the main reason of the problem just critise people who suffer from it…
Common act of the rabble…

Its impossible to implement a system that would be perfect regarding toxic behaviour in RDF. Dungeon deserter is there for a reason. Yes its abused, but the only way you can avoid it, if you having such an issue is to avoid pugs alltogether.

The soltion is there, but it requires a larger amount of effort from you, and you dont want that. So, you just have to endure the pug life.


Preventing PUG to queue for replacements for 10 minutes after they kick someone who was not offline or AFK would make no difference?

How can you even say that it wouldn’t solve anything?
Sure, the VTK will be still used, but it will be used for it’s real intended purpose.

It would encourage players to finish the instance with existing group if possible, and discourage VTK for reasons like low DPS and such.

You can either let people who got VTK for no valid reason to queue up again without any penalty, or give penalty to PUG that used VTK for no valid reason.

It would for sure meet negative reception from players who use VTK to kick someone for no reason, but in the end it would improve the game for everyone else, and people might learn to help each other in-game again, instead of supporting the “I don’t care they get 30 min debuff for nothing” mentality.

I find it absurd how Blizzard support tolerance for whatever minority group out there, yet encourage their community to be selfish and ruthless at the same time. :thinking:

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