Dungeon design in TWW is deeply concerning

You did. EB24 last season.

Im sure you adored those spiny boyz randomly jumping on people… Or the endless discussions here on the forums about random 1-shots of trash and bosses (I am so happy that mage boss will never be seen again)…

But still… im confused really… cause while you say all that, you timed NO on +14 both in tyr and fort. :slight_smile:

And that is ~ 1 key level less than last season on average for you. And we still got 2 more months to go.

Dunno… I get that you die and its annoying… it might be your limit or whatever, but you have to value yourself a bit more than that.

Simply put : you can carry a DD on a NO +14. You absolutely cant carry a healer all the way to the end in a NO+14. So you did something right there. You cant deny it.

Well, they do not do that when you paralysis or ring of peace them at the right time. Totally admitting i use WA-timers on nameplates. Considering i as a melee healer did not had to deal with those, and we skipped most berserkers. And on those pulls there are 0 other mechanics going on, or i can just tunnel healing.

About the NO 14. Sure i do things right. But i also had deaths there by getting overloaded by trash. The bosses are actually easier because there aren’t 1 shots yet.

This is a meme from one of our runs somewhere in the last weeks. Look at the deaths that are also shown. That is what i mean with those dungeons are over my limit. Still i can time dungeons of course


Yeah… but thats #HealerLife you know ? :smiley:

That is what happened to me in S1 and S2 of DF dungeons. But eventually, I learned to filter out what matters and what dosent.

Granted there is a ton of stuff, but none of that matters. To the point that I have WA installed deliberately to remove some casts I just dont care at all about. To reduce the clutter a bit.

Lucky you… on 14 tyrannical I cant survive the P2 spear of the last boss with out a defensive. I rely on the talent “spirit wolf” to stack 4 times to survive that…

LOL… :smiley:

So fun. You and your team are streamers now ?

So you had 2 deaths. OK. So? The question is why ?

They were 7 minutes and 8 minutes ago. So im guessing its the ring with adds and all the blue swirls on the ground. Am I guessing right?

Mistweaver have 5 thousand defensives :flushed: And it only 1 shots when you are the direct target.

Like I said. Lucky you. +++ Uda gets a gas mask… Slowly breathes some hopium from a 99% premium canister… and dreams of RShaman tuning for WW +++

But I guess there is a reason why MW has so many defensives. You have to be at melee range, which is a challenge on its own.

You are not going to press a defensive for a certain swirlie/cleave you are supposed to dodge that you maybe did not see on your screen.

I hope shaman will get more strait forward defensives too.

I pre-cast my defensive if I know there is a ton of stuff going on and I might get hit by something.

Its not only swirlies on the ground. On my party frames I see who is targeted by all those “alphabet soup of abilities”…

And that is hard to figure out who will get hit by 2 or more “nobody cares bolt” which is dangerous…

And that includes myself. So when the pull starts, the tank is with out resources (danger) and DDs are ramping up damage (putting on dots and whatnot)… I take care of all the CCing and interrupting. To make sure nobody dies.

And that triage includes pre-casting defensive just in case I get hit by some of that “nobody cares bolts”.

I of course also do that.

Mmm… did not mean to say you did not. I just wanted to talk about what I do.

By the way… when can we play?

I got my warrior up to speed. We can do some keys if you wanna. Still in Discord?

My schedule is currently difficult, and this week we are also going to try to get some time into TGP. I am expecting though that the season with my friends will be done in a couple of weeks. We also reached our limit.

If it makes you feel any better, im not taking S4 very seriously either…

We got god-comp back. So its pointless to even try.

the mini swirlies can hardly be seen below your character with all the effects going on.

The issue I have with 2 casts going off in that “1 pack” pull that have to be interrupted at all costs is targeting issues because the UI just sucks. Setting up your UI properly to be able to click on those mobs at the right time is seriously terrible.
At that point you have to play already with focus target which is about as annoying.

Would be great if we also had a tab target option to the casting mob.

most of the time I am too lazy to set focus targets and thus sometimes resulting in missing a kick even though I know the cast is coming because
a) I forgot which mob exactly will do the deadly cast
b) I see the cast but cannot target the mob in the clusterf*** of mobs

so the challenging part of M+ is to remember which mob does what and have a good UI. yay

What effects? As a caster there is nothing else going on. Mistjo has a point being a melee because he has 2 more mechanics to deal with (big stomp + cleaves) but as a caster there literally is nothing else to deal with.

Check out Quazii wow. His “plug and play” UIs are gold. Maybe they are not the perfect thing for you, but better than the Blizz normal UI.

And he also shows you how to change things so it fits your specific needs.

But I agree. This tipe of stuff should be built into blizzard’s UI. Not by some external addon and content creator.

You’re technically correct here, and like someone else pointed out, in a vacuum each ability isn’t bad. But it’s the sum of 3 birds that needs to be shut down. On top of that you got Death Bolt Volley from the mini-bosses, which needs 2-3 players rotating interrupts. Yes it doesn’t oneshot on it’s own, but it brings the whole group, except the tank, very low so if anything else hits at the same time, people start dropping. And this isn’t even a big pull. It’s just a standard pack of mobs.

On top of that you got the mobs that spawn necrotic orbs. Yes they can be stopped but it adds another CC requirement. Then you have mortal strikes on the tank. On top of that you have affixes that needs to be dealt with, some more impactful than others.

Now a lot of these problems can be solved with weakauras, omnicd and a proper comp. But that begs the question if it’s well designed when those things feel mandatory. Because I’ll tell you one thing, doing these dungeons with my VDH vs my BDK or Bear is not even comparable, and it highlights how important it is to completely lock down mobs, and I don’t think that’s good design or fun for that matter.

Blizzard knows a lot of players thinks it’s fun to get 10-15 mobs and blow them up with CDs, but instead of accepting it an maybe even designing some dungeons with this in mind they made artificial barriers to larger pulls by designing most mobs having at least 1 important ability that needs an interrupt or hard cc. The best players will find a way around this anyway, and then the majority of the M+ players are left with dungeons where you get 30 minutes of weakaura warnings every 3 seconds that something needs your attention or people will die.

Personally I’m getting tired of this design philosophy and the end result is I choose to play less M+ because I get mentally drained after 3-4 keys.

Maybe I did not explain myself properly.

What key level are we talking about ? 16? 17?

Because at those levels before you get there… you have to first survive the bleeds from packs 1st boss… which hit MUCH harder than that.

So no. The volley is a non-issue. And if your healer can deal with say… bursting… he can deal with that.

Then dont. Move a bit to the right.

That cant be avoided, CCd or interrupted. Its a tank thing. He should use his CDs accordingly.

This is independant of any pack. And granted affixes are annoying under any circumstance.

Lets put it this way…

You need some form of unavoidable damage. If packs did nothing except 1 ability… people would receive ZERO damage.

Then why bring a healer? Bring a rogue instead to shut down that mob for ever and get it over with.

You could instead add rot damage of some sort. And 1 ability to CC.

At that point, instead of pressing your kick you should press your selfheal/defensive. You still dont get free of complexity.

So what do you do? Well you add 10 mini-mobs that cast “mini-bolts” so that you cant possibly kick them all.

That is the design philosophy. And in part, I agree with it. Except when all of a sudden there are abilities that cant be kicked and 1-shot people. Not “big damage and almost die”… but literally 1-shotting people.

That is a bad design philosophy.

There is also the (additional) option to reduce tanks self-heal/sustain and make tanks and healers work together again as they did a few expansions ago aswell.

(we have both talked about 1-shots vs rot damage before, so i dont go into that again… we agree on rot being more fun then 1-shots anyway :slight_smile: )

IMO : I think tanks are fine. And as a healer, I would find it extremely boring to spam-heal the tank like it used to be in WotlK. Back in the day it used to be : target the tank and spam flash-heal on him… all … the… time… for the whole duration of the dungeon/raid.

Spreading out the damage on the party makes a more fun experience.

And tanks are not all that immortal as you might think. They do require external healing. And quite a lot.

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caster effects.
all those spell effects basically.

mostly my UI is fine, but targetting the casting target is probably always an issue. I mean I already use plater but if there are 10 mobs and all start casting, certainly it will be a problem :confused:

I recommended Quazii’s UI because the mobs that are casting important spells blink red.

So you don’t see 10 mobs all bundled up. You see 10 grey bars clearly separated from each other (in a way that does not fill the screen). And when one of them casts something important you can kick, it blinks flashy red.

So you click on the blinking red bar and press your kick. DONE.

And then to help you out there is a WA package that gives you a countdown of mob abilities. Only the important ones that is, not the “nobody cares bolts”.

With those 2 things what happens in practice is that Trash Packs turn into raid boss fights. And wont feel as random anymore.

As a healer, I additionally have a WA package that shows me who is targeted by what. So I can personally kick certain things to avoid people from dying. But that is a healer think IMO. But if DDs and tanks have it, its even better.

What I will agree is that all these addons should be baseline wow interface. But hey… they are getting there… really slowly… :smiley:

the problem is not seeing the cast, but actually clicking the correct mob if everything is clustered :x

I already know when stuff will happen etc. but certain specs needs to tap target around like crazy (enhance, demo etc.) and then you have to click the right mob or better use focus stuff