There is no “solo queue” for M+. There’s only applying to groups, which beats the purpose of your idea.
Stop feeding the trolls
In BfA dampening meta, 15-20 minutes long matches definitely did happen. That’s not that far from the 30 minutes mark.
Indeed. And people use it for grouping up now because /invite [name] does not work cross-faction.
In any case a lot of toxic environment would be cleared if players know early on that they are not as great as they think. DPS below healers or tanks needs to stop so you can finally enjoy m+.
If you don’t want a basic check then I demand a “give up key” option without penalty or key depletion just because I made the mistake and invited a noob
This used to be the case many expansions ago but as soon as a rotation goes off the rails, it gets hotfixed back into place.
I’m still going to keep them in the group, we may not time the key, but we sure as hell can give pointers and possibly help them become better players.
When you notice the key cannot be timed, switch the focus to helping.
yeah … depends on the key. If it is a weekly key maybe I stay but high ones I think its kind of inappropriate to queue up in the first place. So I leave before wasting time
The way I see it is:
anything from +15 or below you can stay and be helpful.
+16 and above go ahead and leave like a temper tantrum child on a playground if something does not go your way.
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