As I’m a fan of improving player experience I want to propose an idea to prevent new players enter key levels they can’t handle
Dungeon Entry Tests for Keys.
For every key level a player must finish a little scenario to prove their skill.
m+15 should require the player to know the rotation of their class to an extend of 70-80%
Just don’t want to waste my precious time with folks doing 4k dps or don’t know how to interupt. I think it could help all the good players.
As the game is more heading towards mdi and favoring 0.1% playerbase it would perfectly fit into the game.
So basically the proving grounds.
Don’t pug then. If you hate wasting time, you’d be in an organized group or guild by now.
Was a __________________ storm the last time blizzard tried this.
In WoD they tried to put proving groups as a requirement for Random group finder.
People were outraged.
You underestimate just HOW bad the very bad players are, What you consider simple and easy are things they have never even considered.
Stuff like enchants, gems even rotation is never explained ingame and you need the knowledge about how and where to seek it out from someone else.
Also there is a bunch of the “I am not here to take a test/research, Just play a game” kind of crowed.
That’s what I was about to say. I’m pretty sure that was meant to be the original concept around the Proving Grounds? Something about achieving ‘Silver’ in order to get into some content?
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Stupid idea. Specially the rotation thing. Rotations are not hard enforced by Blizzard. Rotations are figured out by the people themselves. You can’t expect players to be perfect little robots and do everything perfectly.
Alternatively, simply organize your group better or use the tools given to you to check for potentially bad players. You can inspect everyone you can invite, you can see their score and item level before inviting them. You can also whisper any one of them if you please. There’s the armoury. There are so many tools for you to evaluate people before you invite, and you propose… that. Ok.
I made a questionnaire that can work as an entry level exam:
- Can you read?
- Can you press buttons?
If yes is answered to any of these two questions players are cleared for entering dungeons up to mythic + 15.
for +16 and above we just add:
Do you want to find players of the same mindset that can potentially say or write hurtful things to you if you do make a mistake?
If “yes”, great go have fun.
the FPS “America’s Army” back in the day, if you wanted to play as a medic, you literally had to go through a boring in-game course and pass a literal test. if you didnt get enough answers right in the test (IN THE GAME), you had to retake it.
it was hell. but the game is a recruitment tool so i guess that is why they did it.
dont know if they still do it though.
Post on your retail char, i want to see the massive gap between how good you think you are and how good you really are.
I am in favour of making some kind of Proving Grounds a requirement for queueing using group finder. Make it an achievement requirement per spec per character.
This test should not require a flawless rotation, but it should make sure players who lacks a general understanding of their spec’s abilities and toolkit get taught how to be an asset in group content, and this lesson and extended test should only trigger when “failing” the initial test without making it a negative experience for fresh players.
That was it. Silver to enter LFD Heroic Dungeons in WoD.
A lot of people hated Proving Grounds. I was particularly tickled by the mortal offense taken by the Awesomenesses who considered it far beneath their dignity to be tested in such a trifling manner. They wailed loud and long on the forums about how much time it took. It took exactly 5 minutes for Silver, and I think 3 for Bronze before it? Anyway, including travel time, you would get it done in 15 minutes. I would trade it for any Shadowlands unlock in a heartbeat. We didn’t know how good we had it back then.
Personally, I liked PG. I thought it was a good, well-thought-out basic test. Its main problem was that the mechanics were unbalanced - a couple of classes were much harder than others: Warlock and Priest suffered from interrupt and AoE problems, and I think Mists Boomie. However, every class could do it what I considered pretty easily.
It’s still there, though vastly easier now.
The problem was thet PG was a test - without a training course leading up to it. People who hadn’t mastered the basics were left to sink or swim, and a lot of them sank.
As I recall the numbers we parsed at the time, at the end of the expansion, about 10% passed Bronze but never achieved Silver. Presumably that number was much higher in the first patch.
Preach did one of his most insightful (IMO) videos about it, when he was bringing an alt through Normals. He comments that Heroics have become massively easier in WoD, and notes that this fraction of people have been condemned to Normals unless they can pass Silver, so they are not getting in the way of Heroics. But they have a pretty limited existence, continually grinding through Normals that can’t give them any more upgrades.
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…And more players will end up leaving, the 0.1% isn’t enough to keep the game going.

I don’t want to research my mates. I want to play a key. The game should enforce players to play better if they want to enter a specific difficulty
Learning a rotation isnt rocket science so a game shouldnt learn it to you tbh, some players in m+ doesnt care about there performance, even if they stand in the fire they dont care. So nope it isnt the responsebility for the game the learn BASICS.
The game already does that. I think you ask for easy access to the players who will carry you. Now, what about other players who think the same about you? More ‘‘exams’’ maybe? Harder proving grounds? Mage Towers?
- No I always meet people underperforming in dungeons
- I can assure you that my log are always above 80% and if you ever join my key I will most likely carry you.
Also not sure if you really understood my approach. I don’t want people to exclude from content just tell them that they need to improve first before depleting keys with their low skill level
Can it be a result of your underperforming? Maybe? Think twice about it.
With your %80 logs? I don’t think so. Can you show us your logs so we can make a better judgement about you?
You are very conceited. The more you improve your skills, the more you become modest. This is always what happens to skilled players.
I don’t think you are enough good to request to play with better players.