Some time ago I posted about the question. How really works the dungeon finder in Chromie time? I’m leveling a character through Chromie time and I’m leveling in Classic/Cataclysm timeline. My character reached level 60 and I stopped the experience. In the dungeon finder, I can access to all Classic dungeons with not restrictions but some Cataclysm dungeons are inaccessible: END OF THE DAYS, TWILIGHT HOUR, ZUL’AMAN and ZUL’GURUB.
- These dungeons are excluded or only can be accessed in heroic difficulty?
- This happens too in the other time lines?
- Or reached X level, for example 60, some dungeons are excluded?
I remember that in Pandaria, Legion, BFA and Shadowlands you need complete some dungeons for advance in the questlines. I fear that reached level 60 I can’t do all this content.