Where can I turn on/off the dungeon or raid objectives in the UI?
I noticed on some characters that I don’t get to see this. It’s a function of this addon I’m using (kaliel tracker) nor an option in ElvUI. Because when I turn both these addons off I still don’t see it.
Well I can’t include a screenshot
What I mean is in the UI during entering a dungeon you see which bosses are left. It’s in the same spot when you track a normal quest (like shift click quest)
It’s part of the default UI tracker, not an addon. Bosses appear on the tracker when using the dungeon finder for random dungeon or LFR raids but they won’t show up if it’s a custom group, or you enter an instance normally not using the finder.
I’m not aware of anyway in the defualt tracker to disable that behaviour but you can minimize it when you enter.