Dungeon/Raid Portals

Why the cooldown is so long and not 2 hours like the guild Cloak of Coordination? 8 hours is to much in my opinion. I know the dungeon resets it but there are times when I won’t do M+.

so the bobs wont cry that portals are op i guess.

cannot even remember that i evre used portal not to run the dungeon

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My guild was working backwards through raid achievement runs, and when we got to Nathria I used my portal to Sanguine Depths and then laughed at them all as they were trying to figure out how to get there.

That’s the only time I can think of.

If I was not Engineer with Wormhole Generators I’d be in a bind. I travel a lot and having the dungeon/raid portals on a lower cooldown would help me greatly.

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