Dungeons and wild offer spam

After already doing many many Maraudons for wild offerings I came to the conclusion that this type of gameplay is super but super boring after a while, especially when gearing up more chars I can imagine.
There is no difficulty, no soul, just a simple push and walk through. It’s really dumb and boring gameplay to farm wild offers to buy pre bis loot. I cannot express how badly designed this is.

I’d suggest to actually make dungeons somewhat enjoyable by making them harder and CC dependent. A slower pace would be so much better and fun when rewarded with good loot at the end instead of mindlessly farming wild offerings.

I hope phase 4 we arent speedrunning these dungeons for our pre bis list, but rather some adjustments in loot and make it drop from a boss. It’s really boring having to do Mara on braindead mode for 15 times to receive one item. Make the game fun again, this is really bad design.

I also did BRD and was again such a braindead spam. This is retail mentality, definitely no classic spirit


That’s the point of grind. It must be boring this way. U cant except grind to be fun after doing it 9999999 times

No, you can actually make the game somewhat more difficult so it rewards players to try and do their best for clearing the dungeons. When there is a different speed in clearing (which is a really good thing) than just mindlessly damage spam and people doing the same damage, then that’s no fun and gets boring very fast. I mean, there shouldnt be a reason to do princess around 40 times. It’s ridiculous and boring

I’d rather have more challenging dungeons with actual loot dropping from bosses which required coordination to clear. This is also a good way for players to get prepared with mechanics that they can practice on for when they eventually going to raid and then not instantly cry on how “difficult” raids are

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Until you start to level an alt and realize most dungeons are not being done, which is super annoying when you need those dungeons for books and for some classes even Runes…Aka Pain Supression from SM Lib for Priest (Ally seems worse since SM closer for Horde). Which is amusing considering Aggrend stated SoD should be alt friendly, I am seeing the opposite…Hell Duskwood Inc stops becoming useful at 35 because it’s all grey (yes you can do ashenvale before 40 but with no mount it sucks) What is also funny is Aggrend didnt want us to spam dungeons, yet at 50 that is exactly what we are doing…So contradicting it’s unbelievable

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people dont want challenging raids, imagine the outcry if we had a semi-challenging dungeon

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I mean, Blizzard have tried. But it seems quite clear that the classic playerbase don’t want difficult and demanding content. The classic playerbase seemingly want to gather every world buff and consumable there is, enter the raid with a perfectly optimized raid roster and cheese the raids mechanics just to they can browse classiclogs and see their legendary parses, that they did with their 2 button rotations.

The ones seeking challenge should really go for Cataclysm instead. People like to dump on it, but it’s a fact Cata content is more demanding than vanilla content ever was, even in SoD.

of all the bad implementations that came with phase 3, you actually decided to complain about the only good one.

good job retail andy.

Aggrend doesnt speak for all of us and having an option to change it to hard mode doesn’t stop casuals doing the normal raids…He says people don’t want it, yet look at what happened to wrath classic…aka Alpha, Beta, Titan…Were they fantastic? No, but I actually liked the extra mechanics, wasn’t just a flat rate buff aka Nexus had a chance for trash/bosses to do mirror image…Atleast they gave it a shot, now as players we apparently don’t want hard options…lol

I think the main issue is how broken Maraudon is, just log out conveniently at the last boss to be glitched out.

That has happened since phase one…aka logout skip to deadmines, BFD (prob more) but they 100% know about that issue.

When did they try this? I definitely want harder content. There is no reward in playing this. Everything is so easy, I get 0 dopamine out of it. I need motivation to actually want to clear things

I don’t even play retail lmao. I hate the world in retail how everything feels weird and easy mindless stuff like heroics/mythic speed grind. SoD is heading to the same direction, so you should know it. And I have more complaints as in pvp now being really bad with the new damage reduction aura, but that topic is everywhere

then stop advocating to retail-i-fy the game. every post you make reeks of retail andyism.
you can’t even help yourself from posting on your orc monk which is a retail character.

stop gaslighting, andy.

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How is this in anyway advocating to retail? Im actually suggesting the game becoming less like retail lmao. You really think 5 min maura runs is classic like? You should get your temperature checked, because that’s definitely retail like. Never heard about the stories on how difficult vanilla WoW was for many people back in the day? We need some of that glance back to feel rewarded. Retail is actually braindead easy unless you doing mythic raids and high mythic + but im not suggesting that. I only say that we need dungeons to be longer than 5 mins mindless spam

Mindless grinding something, a lot of people enjoy.

Both Blade & soul & Black desert has that as their main form of content

Ok? Then go play those games? Idc about those games

Also nobody really enjoys doing those wild offering runs. Everyone is doing them because it’s a forced way to get pre bis. If it was fun nobody would be in a rush mentality. Everything has to go super fast. There’s actually 0 communication going on. The only time players communicate is when they say “I’m finally done, thx bb!” And then on to find the next soulless braindead to join the hamsterwheel

There is 0 thought behind this. This is actually retail gameplay. Why don’t you go play there instead if mindless farming is something you enjoy so much?

What happend to clearing dungeons normally without zerging the whole place in less than 5 mins? I really hope blizzard ain’t gonna make the same mistake at phase 4

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You dont do Mara. They aren’t Maraudon runs. The dungeon itself is irrelevant, its something you must skip as fast as possible so you can get to the important part.

The first big mistake is separating the dungeon from the reward. Wild offerings should randomly drop from every boss. This way you come to DO the dungeon, not to skip the dungeon.

The second mistake is adding too much good gear from other sources:

-Incursion set could be green, something a complete fresh character uses before farming better gear.

-PvP should be a real PvP set. With mainly stamina, defensive stats -damage from players BUT little to no use in Pve (Whats up with the +% hit)

-Old raid gear shouldn’t replace dungeon items, except for the epics and trinkets. How? Add more +damage to mechanical/dragons etc instead of pure stats.

And the 3rd mistake is not updating dungeons properly. 10 man dungeons right now are the even easier, brainless version. Well it should be the HARD version, with increased rewards and difficulty.


Its more fun when you do it solo or duo. Ez to get dagger, not so borring cause you need to actually focus, if you are enchanter you can DE loot for large shards that go for 30g each*.

*Most loot give small shards but dissing rate dagger always give big one.

This is a really good point. Maraudon is my favourite dungeon of all time. When it’s done as intended, in its entirety. I always enjoyed the 2-3 hour full quest runs, including outside quests, full orange into full purple, into the deep part.

But mindless Princess farms are just mindless and boring to me. To the point where I don’t bother. If the Offerings could drop from any boss in there, I would do several full clears.

I think wild offering is perfect for sod. Alot of people play alts and its a great way to get a few pieces of gear with some chill runs

:potato: :brain: