Dungeons are too easy


Look i know you like to troll but please stop you are embarrassing telling such lie’s .

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You realize that when the timer is removed BFA dungeons are a joke up to +20? In Cata dungeons had actual 1-shot mechanics. I miss those days.

Eh,i clearly remember wiping in Shrine HC when bfa was fresh. :rofl: :joy:


Which one? I played back then but I can’t remember one-shot mechanics. The closest thing I can think of are two-shots like standing in the toxic puddle from the big guard in Throne of Tides, or being charged at by that one boss in Grim Batol.

The hardest thing about Cata dungeons was the need to interrupt, and the fact healers finally had to mind their mana and have manabreaks again after years of WotLK craziness of constant 100% mana.
Which to me, sounds exactly like BfA; Interrupt, and give healer occasional breaks.

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I have fond memories of double-healer teams or extremely CC heavy teams being formed very meticulously just to ensure those timed Shattered Halls Heroics got done - and those were fun times indeed.

The fact that some folks had the players/means/mentality to casually clear TBC pre-nerf heroics doesn’t change the fact that, yes, they were certainly harder than BFA’s dungeons. Keep in mind: saying one thing is more difficult than another thing doesn’t equate to saying the harder of the two is literally ‘difficult’. Pre-nerf TBC Heroics weren’t difficult for those who took them on (and I personally regard that era as my absolute favourite time in World of Warcraft as a whole, with plenty of old YT videos to look back on of those dungeons) but yes, I would class them as being much harder than stuff we get today.

Again, it wasn’t inherently difficult, but times were different, the mentality and players surrounding that content were different, the design was different, and overall, it is lauded as one of the most inaccessible parts of the game, hence it later devolved into the casual LFG situation we have now where the only concern is pushing M+ keys, and even then, it’s often a DPS race through plotted routes with nary a CC in sight, followed by MDI ‘pull 50 packs + boss’ fest with clearly defined metas if you’re at the top.

The most difficult part of dungeons right now are grinding RIO or item-level enough to be invited to something a few levels higher than what you’ve done.

Because power gains during BFA were ridiculous.
Highest timed key during season one was 22 ,now is 30.
And let’s not forget you end leveling with 280ilvl and now people have 470 that’s +200ilvl aka entire classic up to ICC cycle in just one expansion.


If you failed in those dungeons then you are bad i am sorry i cant be polite about it nothing unless you were bad could one shot you everything if you followed tactics was avoidable sorry to sound harsh but thats the truth of it .


Too many noob healers for Ozruk.

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Of course they’re not hard if you follow tactics - you are projecting something that applies to almost everything in the game - yet infinitely less tactics are required for dungeons of today, even if they are more mechanically involved compared to old dungeons (which had very few mechanics [if any] in vanilla and very light ones in TBC).

It only becomes a factor when you’re on a timer, thus comparing TBC Pre-Nerf heroics to the likes of M+ isn’t even a correct comparison. I wager a TBC Pre-Nerf heroic would throw more people for a loop than any standard Mythic dungeon of today ever could.

I do not agree if tanks and melee could not move from 2 things then the healer could not out heal “silly”

Stop making excuses for healers incapable of healing people being one shotted. Like I said, noob healers!


Well i guess me playing from Beta 2004 on US server do not find Cata dungeons hard at all so thats my view and he is allowed it but i dont agree .

Please spare me i am not projecting anything i am saying my view he is the one who came in here in his usual troll fashion spouting lies but sure go for me i do not mind .

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Ozruk! Oh my goodness, thank you, ever since I first replied I’ve been trying so hard to remember any one-shot abilities in Cata hc’s :rofl: They just made it sound like it’s every ability and like that’s what made the dungeons hard, I think the Ozruk slam and same dungeon last boss’s “stone throw” thing are the only ones.

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I played back then as well and can spout all manner of videos of that era (as one of the few who had the luxury to see every vanilla raid and be in a guild full of players capable (and willing) to grind those TBC-Heroics as much as possible to get those Exalted Reps, seeing as doing them was practically a requirement if you desired Exalted, and it was a long process, even after they invented daily quests). I still smile at my good ole Thrallmar tabard and that delicious Kargath Bladefist. Doing that wasn’t difficult - we had it down pat. As you said, easier when you know how, but that doesn’t change how TBC Pre-Nerf easily caused more (at the time) headaches than present day Mythic 0’s ever could.

BFA Mythics are certainly far more more mechanically involved but not more difficult despite it. Vanilla barely had any mechanics of note and TBC only incorporated some, but ramped up the damage for those heroics by obscene amounts. Yes, raid-geared tanks casually farming world bosses and latest raids were totally capable of being ravaged in a few seconds by a single trash pull, encouraging a lot of CC to lighten the load and (sometimes) more than one healer. Going into the likes of Shattered Halls HC for a timed completion pre-nerf with no CC and average gear was asking to be stuck there for at least an hour or more of wipe-hell (and most definitely not making it on time).

As said, claiming one was more difficult than the other is not the same as claiming it was outright difficult - it really wasn’t - but anyone saying BFA dungeons (excluding M+ pushing) was harder will only get me laughing.

Lastly, a difference of opinion on a discussion board =/= someone trying to ‘get’ you. I’m not defending whoever you have a beef with or trying to get anyone, just pointing a few things out. Of course it’s easy ‘when you know how’, just like most things in life, yet the old era of per-nerf TBC heroics forced more hands than current BFA ever could (and the fact it got nerfed AND led to the more casual approach to WoW afterwards speaks for itself).

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How hard to do you want it to be? I think it’s ok. Not too easy, but not too hard either.

We literally wiped 2 times in a dungeon today.

The first time because the healer was new and didn’t know how to change specs.

And the second time because the tank pulled too many which killed us all.

Edit: never mind. I realized you are taking about High iLvl, 120 Dungeons. I thought you meant dungeons In general, Including low level ones

he is trust me

The first point has no bearing on the dungeon difficulty - that’s a player issue.
The second is overstepping boundries. It’d be like a fresh 120 in blue gear wading into a +20 key and saying it’s a bit harder than usual.

Neither are really a reflection on difficulty - especially not from a comparative standpoint, such as TBC Pre-Nerf vs present day Mythic 0.

if only could get rid lfr

Pretty much the entirety of Grim Batol and Stonecore.
Vortex Pinnacle last boss.
Blackrock Caverns 1st and 2nd boss.
Heroic Deadmines (multiple bosses, pretty sure).
Throne of Tides all bosses except the last.
Tolvir if you really messed up with mines and such could pretty much oneshot you.
Halls of Origination had some punishing mechanics, but not sure if they had oneshots.

I can imagine Cata wasn’t that bad with a solid premade group, but pugs regularly disbanded early in the expansion. The difficult parts weren’t just the bosses either. Most of the dungeons had a bunch of trash packs that were difficult or required heavy CC to deal with.

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