Most people I played with 15-20s dont even understand basic mechanics of boss fights. They just face-rolled the dungeons.
Just had a mage with +20 underrot done, and +23 freehold in our +21 underrot group, and he didnt even know boss mechanics to last boss, he was just blinking to cleanse the area in middle and not the party. This is just one example, there are many other…
Dungeons should have like set damage stuff, like if you dont do this then whole party loses 30% of health or that person dies or whatever, that doesnt scale with item-level.
It really seems like people with maxed corruptions at 480 can just faceroll 18s with gear, with little to no regard on understanding how the dungeon works.
While leveling up, or doing heroics you can just basically sit in aoe with very little punishment, I think its very bad design. Youve had 120 levels time to learn to play the game, and if you still sit in red pools for fun it just means the game has absolutely in no way taught that person how to play the game.
Get over yourself, this game was never hard.
Let people play how they want
It really seems like people with maxed corruptions at 480 can just faceroll 18s with gear, with little to no regard on understanding how the dungeon works.
that is exactly why you managed to finish +21
You must be Nkem the druid.
Cataclysm wants a word with you.
my holy pally is 469 with 3 ineffables and void ritual II, far from BiS.
Are you perhaps that mage, since you seem so salty?
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I’m absolutely sure that +20 scrubs are absolutely nothing to do with paid boosting from ‘proper’ players… oh, wait…
Even pref nerf heroics were not hard if you followed the tactics so no Cata was not hard at all .
How very dare you, madam!.. my guild got smeared over the walls and floor in pre-nerf Cata…loved it.
You got over 1000 likes from Daestra, are you guys a couple or what.
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My first run through Grim Batol was very painful when we had no gear 
The only one i did not like pre nerf was HoO hated hated it . Rest were fun Stonecore was only bad if your melee and tank didnt know what to do on 3rd boss 
Pre-nerf Cata was harder than any dungeons in BFA, which require timers to give an artificial sense of difficulty.
I found being undergeared and going heroics was hard too in BfA. We didn’t even have high enough ilvl to use the group finder, we had to form groups and go in old skool. There was much death but it geared us a bit to go M0. Where we’d die some more.
The bigger problem in Cata was people not understanding what needed to be done with trash or bosses.