Dungeons kick and no communication

about low dps: so I assume you would kick anyone who is not doing enough by your metrics, even if it is like 5% less dps than others? For example one guy with ilvl 331 just started doing heroics and he got in the group full of 350+ sweaties, ig it is just bad luck or what then?
After reading your 2 posts I assume you are one of the elitists who will kick anyone who doesn’t fit in slightest even if the “low” dps is just 5-10% lower than your group. And here I see an issue, if fresh 85 players who just started doing heroics got that bad luck meeting someone like you in the groups they can’t do anything about it but eat that 30min deserter. Here could be 2 solutions: 1 solved by players, another could be implemented by blizz. First, if you feel you don’t want to see any plebs in the dungeon group which are yet low ilvl (334 e.g.) or doing not sufficiently enough dps for your group (and by that I don’t mean they doing like only 10% of what the overall group doing, that would be definitely their issue, here I mean if you kick players who are just slightly worse than anyone in the group like they doing 5% dps less than the last guy) then maybe consider queuing dungeons with your full guild group and that would be totally fine. Another solution could be: blizzard implement another queue exactly for these elitistminded people, and where if you queue for that you will get prompt first warning you that this queue is only for experienced players. So the current queue would be for everyone else who is not that sweaty, simple

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Just implement a system that all votes should be yes. Many times I’ve clicked “no” but the player was still kicked.

If the reason is bias or not good enough, I’ll leave as well. People given the reason for being in their 30s having jobs and other things is complete and utter bull. That gives no reason to behave like that, the game has new and old players, experienced and not, just deal with it.

Do you also behave like a total douche when doing groceries or to new colleagues, when it’s not to your liking? I guess probably not…alas somehow it gets the worse out of people.

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This is exactly what recently happened to me. Its ridiculous. I really hate it and there’s soo many horrible words i just want to tell them right now. But the most stupid thing they implemented in the game is the deserter debuff. WHY? done nothing wrong either. I didnt “abandon” the group as it says. Ppl like this who kicked are the ones who should be ashamed of themselves and get a ress sickness for 2 hours.

I ain’t got the time or energy to write essays for you in game bro. Vote kickin’ you is 2 clicks while trying to explain what you did wrong involves me having to write multiple sentences in the party chat, then waiting for your response and possibly having to type even more.

I feel like all the people who cry about LFR need to understand a few basic things.

LFR is fast grouping with a random bunch of players to save time/effort and for the convenience. This means there is no norm, every group will be of varying skill levels and have different expectations. This could mean you might meet one groups expectations but don’t meet anothers. Blizzard are happy because probably around 99% Random Heroic groups complete runs with a majority of the original group players. Overall it is a successful system.

If you want the convenience of fast dungeon queues you accept you can be kicked for no reason or you go and do it the old way that takes longer and cherry pick your group and since you are the leader you can’t be kicked. Make your own premade if you don’t want to be kicked. If you decide to queue LFR then accept its part of the game. I have never been kicked but I rarely type and do 40k DPS on bosses so probably thats why.

This is for any game that requires team-work, people will be toxic if you hold the group back, look at LoL, Valorant, Overwatch and every other MMO. Its exactly the same where-ever you go, you can’t blame LFR Systems for this. The other alternative is to have No Vote Kick which would be x100 more toxic as there would be NO deterent for griefing and most groups would fully disband in one of these situations, leading to a large amount of failed Dungeon runs.

The System now isn’t perfect but why change something that is working and doing what its intended. Like I said, almost every run is successful, so why change a working system because only you had a bad experience. IDK man, maybe don’t play multiplayer games?

I hope this post knocked some sense into you complainers.


There’s no excuse for not doing the best possible dps to normal dungeons first packs of trash man

Or you could remove the ridiculous 30 minute punishment from it??? Why should I be punished because some sweatlord thinks normal dungeons first two trash packs are a deathwing encounter? And don’t start with how people would force others to kick when they get unfavorable dungeon as I dont care. Then just kick the afker and find a new one. I hope I got some sense to these vote kick enthusiasts.

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As other guy already replied to your post, I am totally fine with vote kick system, but I don’t feel like you should be punished with 30min deserter because one sweatlord didn’t like you doing 1k dps less than he does and others just blindly pressed “Yes” on vote kick. Once again there could be a problem with certain tanks or other ppl who will force kick just to evade certain dungeons but cmon, you can always find another guy easily after kick, especially if you looking for dps.

My approach for solving this issue would be then following:

  1. Create different outcomes for each role after kick, if you were queuing as a tank and kicked you should get a debuff because tanks are not lying on the road, if you dps then you should not have debuff after kick because dps can be found in seconds anyways; healers might maybe also get a debuff but the length should depend on what is harder to find tank or heal;
  2. Put the kicked people on the bottom of the queue or make so they will not be invited back in the same group after kick;
    That would be sufficient in my opinion. Clowns will pretty much just ruin their own time at this point except if they are tanks but tanks would get extra punishment as I listed above.

Your approach has a lot of holes. Like I said to some other buffoon in an other thread, the system is a double edged sword but majority of times it works like it should. Abusers are the minority, not the majority. If you don’t get deserter after a kick, you can start holding groups hostage if a dungeon you like didn’t show up and force this way for them to kick you out with no penalty. I’ve done thousands upon thousands of RDF in retail and classic and 99% of the time the kicks have had reasonable reasons.


You probably did not fully understand what I mean here, in my approach you couldn’t hold the group hostage if you are dps. You get kicked and replacement will be found in matter of what seconds, it will cost you like 5 seconds of wait time. If the guy who was holding hostage your group was a tank he would get a deserter for that.

Actually there is an excuse for lower dps on the 1st trash pack:

  • Distributing buffs
  • Changing gear
  • Getting quests
  • Making bag space

yeah i never had this issue in retail but in cata they LOVE kicking players for no reason today literally i and other mage kicked because they are going upper brd while it was queue for lower brd. i had no bad com or blaming even we both were even saying “guys you are going wrong way” then they kicked us …

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So a majority of the group decided something and you two went against the group and got kicked? I guess the system is working better than intended.

Its exactly for this reason it is in the game. It resolves issues like this quickly.

Every single HC I got a dungeon where it was Deadmines/Shadowfang keep or one I didn’t need gear in, I would do 1 auto on every pull and just grief the group until I got kicked if there was no derserter penalty.

I would just grief 90% of the groups I got because it would save me weeks of farming. I would get my BiS items x4 faster doing this. Me and probably 30% of players would do this. No Penalty gives griefers and META gamers a massive advantage and punishes the casual players like yous.

You guys are so casual you don’t know what you are asking for. You literally wanting them to change the system so you guys get griefed x100 harder.

This is gaming in 2020. Its not the players fault anymore, its up to developers to put in Protection in games for casual players and protect minmaxers from themselves.

Example would be in FF14, you can buy all dungeon gear with currency so theres RNG protection and this means you are just better to complete a dungeon even if its the wrong one.

Also I never votekick anyone because I am a FF14 player where you are expected to carry bad players in dungeons because its casual content. I literally do 40k dps and do enough DPS I can solo the boss as long as its tanked. Also FF14 has a commedation system so you can vote for players at the end of the dungeon who were either helpful or carried hard and they can get rewards from this if they get enough.

Systems like this is how you prevent minmaxers abusing the system and rewarding positivie behaviour is how you prevent toxicity. Stop blaming players for bad systems and point your finger at the developers.

Literally FF14 has had these systems for 10 years already its not out fault Blizzard is 10 years behind industry standards.

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e hear this rgument for past 15 years.

and yet we are all still here :slight_smile:

nobody is quiting over 1 or 2 kicks from dungeons.

If there’s any actual feedback you would like to give about the topic you can do so through the suggestion box. Even if you don’t play the game you can login a free toon and add a suggestion.

I think it’s important to give Blizzard feedback.

Why then not implement the same system for wow dungeons as in FF14? And also about your argument that you in particular example would grief 90% of groups: if you are dps and even if you griefed like the overwhelming majority of groups it still doesn’t mean every particular group suffered so hard, they kick you and find the replacement in matter of seconds. I could understand that because of this non-punishment after kick there will be like a lot people who will grief the groups, but still I guess it would be minority of overall population who does that. And even if your group suffered through 5 or more votekicks because you got 5 or more griefers in a row, still if they are dps you will find replacement quickly.
Alternatively you could implement a system, where you get 2 different queues for dungeons (another spin on this): 1 queue is normal queue as we have currently but instead of getting deserter for kick you get another debuff where if you get 3 stacks of that debuff you will be forced into 2nd queue, and that 2nd queue will be something like punishment queue where all the kicked players and griefers will be sent to and where you will have your fun I guess. And the debuff to send you there would last hour, if you get more kicks straight after that, like get another 3 stacks then it will buff up to last 24h and even if more offences then week at max.

Probably ninja pulled or something ;D

Or maybe pressed need on the item one of the guildies wanted, happens as well