Dungeons kick and no communication

Hello there, I would like to address one of the topics regarding social aspect of the game (especially classic one, not retail). Recently I have experienced a dungeon kick, it was nothing serious, usual hc gamma run, but my main concern was the complete absence of communication, when the kick happened. And I am not wanting to spread a whine about deserter debuff or whatever, but just talk about the communication issues regarding kicks in the dungeon group.
I understand that nowadays community is not that much social anymore, and if everything goes smooth no one says word. But at least I would like to expect from people that if they want to kick someone from the group for example they at least tell about the issues they have with the player beforehand (like for example: he pulled before tank, not enough damage or wiped the party etc.) and then if the certain player did not actually listen then they kick him. That would be the case for normal situations in my opinion, so the party members will firstly try to talk to a member causing issue and then if he fails to listen then removing.
But many times there are like no communication in group at all, and then someone gets kicked and also no words about it. And the most funny thing can happen after the kick, if you try to ask any member of the group why they kicked you, they just put you in ignore.

And this is the problem to me, that quite often people will not even try to tell you if you doing something wrong and just straight kick. I could understand that obvious things like party wipe don’t require much explanation, but what if it seems to be quite perfect run, no wipes, you going good through the dungeon, and then the kick just happens.

Also one more thing regarding dungeon kick system UI: there is a voting window with the reason for kick given, which is visible to any member of the group except the guy who gets kicked, Maybe if devs implement the same window but without voting for the kicked member after he gets kicked stating the reason for kick, which was given by the member of the group initiated kick that would be nice and then even solved the above mentioned problem (at least partially).

Anyways that’s all what I wanted to talk about in this topic so far, feel free to discuss and thank you for attention, and I hope maybe even some blizzard dev might read it as well.

TLDR: Often dungeon kicks happen without any communication in the group and this seems to be not very good in terms of social interactions between the group members in the dungeon. The feature showing the kick message with a stated reason for the kicked group member would partially solve this problem.


From forum and dungeoneering experiences so far, the kick reason is half the time entirely gibberish and the other half of the time a filled in reason but not necessarily the truth such as “asdasd” or “tank ninjapulled” while the player being kicked, is another player.

There’s also a delay on clicking yes, so oftentimes I just click no and then address it in the party chat which leads to either no one saying anything, me getting booted, or a wild toxic guy starting to scream (then he getting booted).

While giving the reason of the boot would give some minor clarity it doesn’t entirely solve anything if there’s a “no reason” kind of reason filled in or no one wanting to speak about it. I’m quite sure the next suggestion will become “report abusive kick reason” or something after this feature anyway.

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  1. Random dungeon kicks don’t happen, the pro-RDF crew told me so.
  2. The message you’d get would be something along the lines of ‘You have been removed from the group because : ur mom’
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Very easy and original solution btw: after kicking someone, all party get “sleep” effect (not dispellable) for 3 minutes and can’t continue doing dungeon while waiting. This effect doesn’t occur if kicked person was afk (not doing any actions) for more then 1 minute. The point is: usually people who doing kicks for random reasons (for example dps) are “speedrunning” dungeon so this effect will stop them for some time. But person can still be kicked if there is a real reason for it, for example afk (in this situation effect doesn’t occur) or griefing (in this situation you get this effect, but situations of griefing on purpose are not very often so okay, just wait 3 minutes). But this will stop kicking people for dps or most other random reasons.

I always click no

If the kick goes through and there was no reason to do so I quit the group also, better when I’m tanking so it affects them more.

I put up a little message explaining there was no need to this to happen and maybe next time they should take a deep breath and not get their nickers in a twist.

9/10 case’s it’s some sweat lord who hasn’t washed for a couple weeks crying about someone dps not being as high as there’s, like it’s some sort of personal indignity

Well Boo Hoo :joy:


Yeah, these ideas look cool, for example the “solution” with sleeping party would maybe actually make the people talk to each other, anyways nothing to do in these 3 minutes, so they could start at least communicate with each other. But yeah the most usual reason for kicks ig is “low dps” or something like that. And in this case it just shows how sweaty and toxic the community has become. I doubt that this could be solved on blizzard side, because these are mainly problems caused by “people being people” and is not necessarily an abuse or something, or at least it would be really hard to determine such.
As my suggestion, I would like to just being shown the reason for kick after the kick occurred, which is not that hard to implement. Maybe as more advanced solution, implement possibility to report “unjustified” kicks.
And also when someone decides to kick without proper reason, not everyone in group will buy it, at least it happens more often that kick doesn’t came through, because clicking no on kick is faster and if there is reason something like “asd” then other people with common sense would not agree to it, they would like actual reasoning for why they should kick anyone.
And yeah overall, the community seems to mostly have mentality “burst, quick, out” nowadays, as it would be not usual hc gamma, but mythic +20 or something where they need their precious time being used as much effective as possible. Sometimes just wanting to say “calm down, it is just a game, no need to rush that hard through the dungeon”. Even if there is not so good dps in group, but everything else goes smooth, you might lose like 3-5 minutes max, because being slower, but still you will complete dungeon, get your loot or currency. But once again it is not for blizzard to fix, these are community issues which depend on how the people like to act in certain situations.
And I am kinda agreeing with the statement that “rdf ruined social interactions in dungeon”, because now ppl just need to press 1 button to find a group and that’s it, no talking needed. The best solution to this problem for me is just running dungeons with a guild, so you know what to expect. And these runs usually happen to be much more chill than anything with randoms

Just being kicked from a dungeon after 2 packs with no reason: no chats, no words, dps was good. Kicked just for their fun with probably reason “asdasdasd” and got 30 min debuff. This is no sense.


Peopel not gonna risk you reporting them for pointing out your mistakes.

Infraction is not worth communicating with bad players .

So a lot of people Play with disabled in game chats

And addons like bad boy succesully automaticly block baddies from whispering them :wink:

Most of the time I can guess the reason for being kicked:

  • low DPS
  • suboptimal rotation
  • dying frequently
  • dying, getting lost and left behind
  • separating from the group to pick quest item

We just have to understand that most wow players are in their 30s with jobs and families and have very little time to play and just don’t have time to spare while one of the players in the group is doing their own thing.

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Well they also kicks you because you share a loot from a specific boss or when you warn a player cause of ninja pulling unnecessary mobs for his rep and making dungeon run much more longer. But mostly cause peopel love to abuse system. Like they mass report people when their auctions re undercutted…

I think there should also a punishment for those who kick people without a reasonable thing. They should be banned from loots and valor point gains from both dungeons and raids for a week maybe; that can solve the problem.


I can still report the player even if he did not said a word, just memorise the nickname and boom - reported, no big deal, maybe not directly in the chat but from “who” window it would be possible to report ig anyways, did not tried it but might work as well.

So if you encountered the guy for first time ever and he was doing not well enough for you you would just kick them, even if he is quite nooby and learning. Anyways anyone who feels offended if someone in their Random dungeon group doing 10% less dps then everyone else can maybe just try run these dungeons in guild group with like minded people and don’t spoil rdf by their elitist expectations, but this is another topic kinda.

Last 3 totally alright, first 2 more like having elitist feeling about your group and wanting that everyone only pumped big numbers without any exquse for mistakes
In general, I feel like blizzard could implement some sort of punishment for people who just kick everyone they don’t like, like maybe if you kicked 3 people in a row during last hour you should get a debuff for 24h disabling you from kicking anyone

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Nah. This is a completely legitimate request. There’s absolutely no legitimate reason why the kicked person shouldn’t see why they were kicked.

And sorry, but you afraid that this could reported then? Are you okay with racist and sexist remarks on the kick voting pop-up? Or user harassment?

This sounds like a lovely idea, imo. One thing that should happen before that though:
Other party members should be made aware if a player was removed from the party or raid, either by vote or the leader.
Never understood why does it only say “XYZ has left the group” when it is factually incorrect. XYZ has been removed from the group.


The group may already votekick for any or no reason. The thing is that the request is twofold:

To display the reason and then likely to report the reason even if the reason is entirely illegible or empty and disagreeing with the votekick increasing moderation burden on Blizzard while effectively no rule is broken in the first place.

The suggestion to report actual harassment, which the player can already do so if any player actually harasses them through chat is already in place which is different from using the any or no reason kick which is not deemed abusive.

Incorrect, no report option is available for dungeon kicking as it is not against the rules. Only chat harassment may be reportable if any occured which is something I’ve already stated previous.

It is already not violating a policy of Blizzard. Namely:

The system is entirely under the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes. It is not deemed abusive to utilise the votekick as that is the intended design and vision of Blizzard thus far, that in your opinion should be changed doesn’t make it against the rules in the meantime.

I’d recommend to suggest any changes to the VTK through the ingame suggestion box but it will not likely include a report option for reason field votekicks.

Except that currently, any report fits that criteria. So it would not increase the burden even the slightest.

You must have missed this part:

C.XI.2 Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Codes of Conduct or In-Game Policies. <

It applies not only to chat, if you take a minute and read it.

Using no reason to kick is no against the rules. Using a reason which is discriminatory or hostile in nature is deemed abusive

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yeah but player X or Y doing low is is “disrupt the Game experiences of others,” to the point that they decided to kick him .

so everythign is ok . and the person who shoudl be reported is person doing low dps in this case :slight_smile:

According to another thread you posted in 4 hours ago, you seemingly still need the pre bis boots from a dungeon. Which means you didn’t put in the effort of buying the 359 BoE boots. Or even getting a pair of boots from raiding.

That disrupts my gaming experience, and I will not hesitate to kick you if I ever encounter you in game. But that’s okay, you said so yourself.

Surely it depends on how often the “kicker” has instigated an attempt to kick a player. If it’s rare then no problem but if it’s a serial kicker? Maybe he needs to have his vote-to-kick button greyed out for a cpl weeks. If a player then still keeps getting kicked (if we had something like this) then he needs to look at himself.


did you see me whining about being kicked from groups ?

there is a good reason i dont do that because im very rarely kicked.

although i got kicked from 1 dungeon recently - in mop remix - was solo carrying group and someone clearly didnt like i just ignored group - so they kicked me .

only emotion i had was laughing and i got instant lfr que for daily raid at the same time :slight_smile:

people kick for whatever reason - so no reason to be emotional about it.

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Nope. I’m glad you don’t mind me votekicking you for low effort if we meet in game then.

chances are its the elite gehennas crew if you ar not on par with them its an insta kick so toxic that realm