Duo Devoker/Rsham looking for a guild

Looking for a guild as Devestation mainspec and Preservation off spec with potential and experience to reroll into other ranged classes in the future, but not this tier.

I come exclusively with my friend Frag who mains a Restoration Shaman ^^
[raider io/characters/eu/twisting-nether/Fr%C3%A2gman]

We are both 26 y/o, looking for a giga chill guild with a strong focus on mythic progression.

Raid times: Mon-Tue-Wed-Thur 16:00-23:00 CET

SL logs:

warcraftlogs com/character/eu/silvermoon/ashhlock?zone=29#zone=28&difficulty=4

Legion-BFA NA logs:

warcraftlogs com/character/us/aerie-peak/envs?zone=24#difficulty=5&zone=19

DF logs:

warcraftlogs com/character/eu/silvermoon/ashhprimal

warcraftlogs com/character/eu/silvermoon/ashhpally

Hey! I’m recruiting for Silvermoon-EU 8/8HC and 2/8 Mythic is currently recruiting DPS for the core team. As well as some extra Healers for Heroic and Mythic Raiding. The Current Raid times are: Wednesday-Thursday-Sunday 20:00 - 23:00
Add me on Bnet: Lettuce#21367 or Discord: Lettuce#2778
Hope to hear from you soon :slight_smile:

Hi mate if you’d like to speak to me regarding our guild you can contact me at Alex#235293 on btnet

hey, if you’re still looking for a guild I think we could be a good fit.
We’re on Silvermoon, Alliance. some of us are pushing higher IO and we raid as well.
We raid on Wed/Sun but we’re not counting attendance.

Hey there we are a guild that raids on Wednesday and Thursday mythic add me here so we can talk Nameless#7697

We are now 1/8mythic and we are pushing it so if you would be interested

Yeah for sure could you add me on discord tho ? Im pretty slow on asnwer here