Duplicate Item - Delver's Dirigible Mount, can not get rid of the second one

Hi! For some reason I had already received and learned the Delver’s Dirigible Mount, and then also received it as a quest reward afterwards on the same character. It is now just taking up space in my bags, I am unable to learn, sell or delete this item. I have not seen anyone else talk about this issue.
I tried to raise a support ticket but was just told to report the bug on the forums, which I am now doing. Would be great if someone could delete this item from my bags, I have enough crap in my inventory already ;>

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There are no GM’s on the forums. Forum staff cannot perform any in-game actions, nor can they relay bugs to the developers.

When an Ingame GM tells you to report it on the forums, they actually mean the American forums, as the European ones don’t take bug reports.

I experience the same. Haven’t reported it, but maybe I should as well? It is a bug after all.

Hi there Heziana,

Thanks for reaching out, though I can confirm this is a known issue which doesn’t need further reports.

Funnily enough it looks like this was an unintended side effect of automatically restoring the mount for players that had accidentally deleted it before that was changed to no longer be possible :sweat_smile:

Please stow away any extra copies wherever you can for now and hopefully we can get some adjustments to this soon enough!


Looks like someone has acted fast. I was able to delete it from the bags today. :metal: