What’s the purpose of getting the exact same item multiple times from dungeons before all have dropped at least once?
Let’s discuss. I’d like to hear blizzard’s point as well.
What’s the purpose of getting the exact same item multiple times from dungeons before all have dropped at least once?
Let’s discuss. I’d like to hear blizzard’s point as well.
Well thats a very easy answer — random is and needs to be random. If a boss has a loottable of three items you would only need to run said boss 3 times until you have what you want.
Result: People would have nothing left to do after a very short amount of time - thats not what you want if you offer a game that is paid with a monthly fee
And lets be honest the chasing for items is what keep people playing
A M+ dungeon has ~9 lootable items with 40% chance of getting anything so without duplicates it would statistically still take 23 runs for a specific item whereas right now it’s between 23 and infinity.
While random is random is entirely true, and I get the appeal of having some RNG in the game, I have never seen a player who farmed a specific item for 20-30-50 runs and said, “Wow, that was a fun farm”, it was always dread, and relief that the grind is finally over. This is especially true for trinkets where the power imbalance is so prevalent that you either get the bis 2, or the potentially acceptable 2 trinkets but all others are utter trash.
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