Durotar ruined with 8.2.5

I know it’s a pretty small amount of people this affects but oh well.

I have always liked going to the durotar ever since I started playing in wotlk, every pvper gathered there to do duels and stuff, there was sort of a sense of community left in there since you always met the same people in there and you socialised with them on a daily basis. Over the years I have made a couple of friends in that place.

And now with 8.2.5 and the war campaign, it divides people into different phases since the last bit of war campaign puts everyone in durotar into a whole different phase with the soldiers etc overflowing the dueling area.

I hope they won’t be there in future expansions at least :frowning:


Does this result in less duellers visible to ‘visiting’ Alliance?

It should I think. For people with same progress in war campaign it seems really weird too, people just phase in and out all the time.

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Hmm, interesting :slight_smile:

On which servers are people actually dueling in durotar?

They always duel outside org no?

Yup, similar to SW gate all the way to Goldshire, but i do feel like its lacking these days. i barely notice anyone outside org like before,.

Thought so, I notice much less duelers there when I’m in an rp shard tho.

Never mate, i never saw a duel outside org in BfA. Defias Brotherhood.

At least in my crossrealm there always have been people. I’m on Stormscale.


There is no dueling happening outside on RP servers because horde POP is very low.
On normal and former PVP servers there is constant action.

its an RP server issue for horde.

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