Newcomer to Classic here (been playing retail since 2005 tho… )
As far as I know, botting’s always been something in WoW. Gold sellers gathering stuff to be sold at the HV and then, delivering gold to the players paying for. That’s the postulat
I’m not saying it was ok back in the days, not at all, but still, for “real” players behind the screens, it was still manageable
But the situation right now in Duskwood? Man, it is way beyond acceptable. It is sometimes impossible to achieve quest goals as the mobs are instant tag by the bots.
Which sometimes leads to stupid but yet funny situation. Yesterday I pulled Eliza (Wife’s embalmer), I died, because I totally forgot Eliza was an elite 31+, sidewinded with 3 soldiers. No way I could solo it with a lvl 33 war. So I came back to my corpse, to find out that a lvl 25 bot, seeing a ghoul ready to be harvested, pulled Eliza and I delightfully watched this bot being depoped maybe 10 times in a row, because this stupid program was just keeping pulling Eliza again and again, until she vanished back in her grave
So yeah, i don’t know for the other areas (I will soon find out), but in Duskwood, the situation is critical, to the point, something should be done manually or the mobs should be tuned in a way the bots wouldn’t find any interest to farm them (which will only led to move the issue from Duskwood to another area, I know)
Really, you should go to Duskwood and have a look. The spectacle is pathetic and staggering at the same time. Bunch of hunter bots, all with a “Boar” (no name) pet, and a stupid name
EDIT: Of course, every time I cross by a bot, I report it, but the inner me feels like it’s like slashing water with a sword