Dusty, Rusty Shaman looking for a home

Hey all potential guild leaders,

I’ve recently just picked up WoW after a 13 year break and have quickly raced through leveling up my Orc Shaman on Emerald Dream to lvl 50 and I’m back on the hook.

I used to be part of a guild back in the day and would really like to find a new guild to call home, i’m fairly active playing between 4-20 hours weekly and will be looking to get involved in raiding and PvP once I reach end game.

I have plenty of experience raiding from when I used to play WoW and continued to raid in other games in my 13 year break such as Destiny etc… I understand that being a team player is key in these sort of activities and would consider myself quite chill even under pressure and happy to just grind it out with some good company.

I would like to join a GOOD VIBE GUILD, thats active around the times I’m on [18.00-23.00 GMT] week days [08.00-00.00 GMT] weekends, thats helpful and members that generally like teaming up with other players, that said if I was to join your guild I would like to contribute best I can such as helping new members level, instances, mythic, raiding, PvP.

If you feel like I would be a good fit for your guild leave a link or a post underneath.

Thanks, Ruko

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