Dwarf priest (former glad) LF 2s partner - pref rogue

I’m a former TBC gladiator (as a mage) looking to do it all over again as a priest. I’d like to play with someone who is dedicated to PvP, and who will ideally become a long term 2s partner. I can’t stand retail ‘culture’ where you have 1 pvp partner for a couple of weeks then they quit or find someone else. It’s much more effective to learn to play with 1 person.

As for my schedule, I “work” from home so I can pretty much play any time of the week except Thursdays & Saturday nights, and I don’t like playing for several hours straight, else my performance declines and I feel like crap.

P.S. Voice chat is a must.

Add me on discord if interested Zukias#9112

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