[Dwarf RP] Clan Stormheart - A New Beginning

Hi i was just posted something about a Wildhammer guild on the forums and i then searched the for Wildhammer and your page poped up. I am looking to start to rp a Wildhammer i rp on Horde mainly but looking to to start to rp on Alliance a little more. I was wondering if you are taking new members at the moment? I you are i am intrested in joining.
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Galloway's finest stand at yer side!
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11/11/2018 17:34Posted by Stoop
I was wondering if you are taking new members at the moment? I you are i am intrested in joining.

Hey there bud! We sure are taking on new members, feel free to contact us via game characters or JAW#21474 is my personal battle tag! Look forward to hearing from you!

11/11/2018 19:51Posted by Cousinokri
Galloway's finest stand at yer side!

Ah, I've heard of you crazy beards! Good to have ya!
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As the first mark of Garhl has been tattoo'd upon one of Stormheart's own, the new beginning has truly come for our clan.

Please give our secondary thread a read; https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17624423769#1

More information on who we are as a clan and what we seek/offer in and to our people within. Thanks!

Clan Stormheart’s Return!

Hello Argent Dawn! After a long hiatus period over the winter we’ve finally come back out of our snow covered hearths and into the world once more! Looking to actively recruit and add to the ever growing Dwarvish community on AD!

We’ll be kick-starting the families storyline again this week! Look out for us in the coming days!

Thane Grahda Stormheart


How can I do anything else but applaud more dwarf RP on this server? Keep it up!


We’ve only been in the Twilight Highlands for two days and already the Knights Gryphon has had some truly amazing interactions with these guys! From saving the Cavaliers from protodrakes “THE EAGLES ARE COMING” style, to even helping us get steeds for our newer knights, they’ve been great sports both icly and oocly. If you’re ever near the Highlands icly they’re 100% worth throwing a whisper to.


It’s always good so see dorfs
Dorfs are awesome, specially when they say OCH


Good luck!
“TE THE SKIEEEES” Gryphon screams


They are such a great and immersive lot, that I swear, I could enjoy even just watching them play.

They way they describe their gryphons and interact with them, all the effort put into this, it’s just the best. This guild really manages to portait what being a dwarf, one of the highlands/wildhammer looks like in Warcraft, these dwarves are extremly “Warcraft-y” to put it simply and I love it.


Och, nae…


Thank you so much for the kind words about the Clan.

I only returned to the game last night after some time away and it truly feels like Aerla was never away. The guild is full of great characters IC and OOC and it’s a pleasure to RP with you all.

If you wish to come say hello to us we can usually be found in Kirthaven (unless otherwise stated here that we’re elsewhere). The Clan is friendly to all regardless of race (unless you happen to be on the wrong faction! - Though even then we’re happy to engage with you!). So if you fancy a mug of ale in a warm hearth, don’t be shy!

We have more RP to come with The Knights Gryphon which we’re all looking forward to. It’s already been great fun, they’re honestly such an awesome bunch.

Hope to see more of you lads and lasses soon!

Winds be at ye back.


Clan Stormheart have just touched down into Aerie Peak, Hinterlands! We’ll be there for a few days to conduct ceremony for our Stormhammers! Come by and say hello, drinks on us!


Whot, ye’re telling this now, on Bruuk’s night?
I, I… eh, och! Why can’t ah be in two places at once -sobs-.


Ceremony of the Stormhammer

Clan Stormheart gathered at the highest peak of the Aerie, undergoing a ritual and ceremony to re-ignite the fabled “Stormhammers” of their forebears, in doing so preparing for the battle ahead. Each Dwarf willing would have to undergo trial as they’d offer up their weapon to the Master Smith as he’d lock it before the main anvil, clasped in a ancient plinth, blackened and charred by the years of service to the ceremony. Soon after they’d have to drink from an ancient brew distilled and kept hot, foul to try and keep down though all managed to do so (just about). The willing High Shaman then begins his chanting alongside gathered drummers, aiding in beckoning the upcoming storm. Next to be handed, a large brass pot that’d hold a dark blue “concoction” that they’d be prompted to smear about their face, biceps and chest. Ready now for the task at hand.

Upon the gathered clouds now forming at the pinnacle, gazing up and into the blackened reaches as the voice of the High Shaman thunders across the lonesome peak. It is then time for the Dwarf to call out to his ancestors, ask for their blessing and honour themselves to once again wield these mighty weapons.

If succeeding in their faith, if able to give their word with driven passion and loyalty they’d watch then as the lightning archs would ricochet down from the heavens and pummel deep into the weapon’s hefty head and shaft, ignited the energies that’ve turned dormant until they’d crackle and fuse with raw power, blessed by the very elements themselves. Their “Stormhammer” reborn.

Stormhammers Re-forged:

“Mardün” - First wielded by Ingar Torcus now passed down to Owain “Torcus” Stormheart.

“Grund A’dron” - Fist of Hergan Thundertalon now wielded by Galvrin “Thunderlung” Stormheart.

“Mok’grum” - First wielded and crafted by Karban Stormheart, now back in the possession of his nephew Thane Grahda Stormheart.

“The Fury of the Whitebeards” - A fabled hammer, heirloom of Clan Whitebeard and currently wielded by Molrik Whitebeard.

The forgotten hammers of Clan Stonefury , their legacy lost through strife and despair now passed down to their last surviving heir, Grongul Stonefury.


Things are lively in the Hinterlands! First our annual stormhammer ceremony, now a fully-fledged campaign with The Three Hammers and Knights of Yore…


Hinterlands, one of the best zones so far…

My dorf lives there, wish i could come and rp…

Lovely Wildhammers <3


So, after a great campaign throughout the Hinterlands held by Khazmar of The Three Hammers we travelled south to Ironforge to partake in a Drinking Competition! To only have one of our own win it, congratulations Molrik Whitebeard you tough-bellied-boy!

You’ll find us currently in and between Ironforge and Stormwind over the coming days, look out for us!


The Silverpine Campaign

Having now returned to the Aerie, Clan Stormheart tend to their wounded and recuperate - for what had come to pass above the landscapes of Silverpine and Alterac had caused much unrest between the Wildhammers. A “Dragonhawk” is a foe unknown to many of Thane Stormheart’s folk, it’s swift and cunning most like their riders atop. A target slim but broad on the wing, it’s clear these aren’t no Dragonmaw astride their massive Drakes. Tactics must be put into place, something that is also not all too customary between the Clans of Falstad. They will need further training before facing such an enemy again.

A big thanks to The Knight’s Gryphon and The Sun Hawk’s for inviting us to our first Flying RP/PVP battle! All of Stormheart who attended had a blast! Very much looking forward to what happens down the line.


It’s hammer time! Gryphon screaming