[Dwarf RP] Clan Stormheart - A New Beginning

I like this guys! If it’s Dwarf you wanna rp just go for Clan Stormheart


It was good to fight by your side in Hinterlands and Alterac Mountains. (well, you were in the air, yet still we fought the same enemy)
Together dwarves will conquer Azeroth.


Our new Not-Friends! I didn’t fought one of yours as Thyron got all my attention, but I know my colleagues had much fun with yours. Nice to share the skies with you, and may you prosper!


New, shiny medals! Big thanks to everyone involved tonight with the post-campaign ceremony. The Stormheart boys love strutting their stuff. We will wear our new metal trinkets with pride.

Never waver, lads and lasses. Very excited for the future of our little rabble.


Since returning to Kirthaven, Clan Stormheart and their gryphons have had some much needed rest though it didn’t last long!

On Tuesday Owain hosted a training event that highlighted the importance of the relation of a rider and their gryphon in a task that demonstrated both trust and skill.

Tonight we honour our gryphons as Aerla hosts a night with wonderful foods and drink. Stories will be shared and the gryphons will be the focus. A much needed thank you to our feathery friends for their efforts in the war campaign.

Should you find yourself in Kirthaven, you’re more than welcome to join us for any of our events and roleplay.


Wildhammer clans are BEST clans and you cannot change my mind
This includes Clan Stormheart :smile:


I wish you all the best and I’m sure rest of laddies from Ironbrand too.


Clan Stormheart have once again settled back into Kirthaven, we’ll be situated there for the foreseeable future so by all means if you find yourself that way come on by! We’ve always got the fire roaring, mugs flowing and good conversation to be had!

I’d like to share a little artwork with you all;

Clan Stormheart’s Family Tree:- https:// imgur. com/TZ9cTci

Artist:- https:// artistsnclients .com /slots/22270-digital-illustration



Very nice! It’s hammer time!


On a small chair, situated just in front of one of the kegs from which endless streams of Thunder Ale flows each evening, sits a small and ancient looking Shaman. Smoke rises from the wopden chimney he calls a pipe, its scent familliar to his kin. It’s his own blend: A mix of Thundermar thin-cut and small bits of crushed caramel blended into the tobacco. While the hearth itself is empty at this early hour, Galvrin finds comfort in its looks and smells. The stains upon the floor from spilt ale and whiskey, the little mice running about the walls to gather small bits of left over food that’s escaped the maw of many a dwarf and visitor. The smell of firewood, the very same he had just ignited in the braziers always had something of a cherry-like smell to it… Or was that bits of the pie he had consumed the previous night?
Content in his old age, the Dwarf sat there for a good few hours until the first of the townsfolk entered.
“Mornin’ lassie, ah lit tae fires for ye already.”

With the blood war raging on around the world, Clan Stormheart yet keeps vigil over their Highland home on the Eastern Kingdoms. Recently we’ve had the pleasure of several visitors coming by this little hub, even if some of our traditional folk wouldn’t agree with the type of magics some wield. They have been introduced and aided in the aquiring of Gryphons, the best in the Kingdoms!

Be welcome in the hearth of Kirthaven- Wildhammer’s spiritual home in the Highlands is open to all who would call Falstad and Kurdran’s flock their allies. Stormheart is there to welcome you!


Oh hoh, the Twilight Highlands is it? The True Masters of Azeroth’s Skies may be paying a visit…

Heh heh, we have reason to head to TwiHi as part of an unrelated thing but if any of yours wanted an air to air scrap I’m sure we can arrange something if you like, Should be there Saturday, Sunday and Monday(though likely busy on Monday). Hit us up if you want any shenanigans.

Only the Brave Inherit the Skies!


Only the brave you say? Then what’re all you ponies doing up here then!

We’d love to have a little skirmish with are pointy-eared rivals! I’ll hit you up over Discord today.

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