[Dwarf-RP] Dwarves of the Morodnir 🏔

Tonight we’ll depart on another adventure! This time to track down the 2nd piece of the Brinsigardur.

The clues we have gathered thus far have been few and far between with their only link to the legend being a Tauren legend mentioned in an archeologists journal.

To get the real story and find the Brinsigardur fragment the Morodnir’ll have to noggins to work…We’re doomed aren’t we?..Crap…

Anyhow…if you wanna learn more about our adventures feel free to get in touch with a member in game or drop a message here!


“We’re doomed” sums up most of our adventures, doesn’t it?


Excuse me sir, there is a honey tax. :honey_pot: Please leave a few jars at the Proudmoore Barracks when you’re done. :policewoman:


We’ll keep that in mind!

Now for a quick service announcement!

The Morodnir have retrieved the second piece of the Brinsigardur fending off Shivebah’s Zandalari lackeys in the process and having an actually pleasant encounter with an honorable Tauren shaman called Plainwatcher Raincloud!

The Morodnir now prepares to head home for rumour has it that the Morodnir will soon undertake a new quest to rebuild the homes that were once destroyed!


And lose out on a potential ingredient toward mass production of our own mead?

You’ll never take us alive! :mage: :beers: :honeybee: :honey_pot:


Shivebah or ‘Shivebah’ :exclamation: That is the question.


I’ll do you one better, WHY is Shivebah?

:thinking: :question:

It’s an exciting time to be Morodnir for tonight we start our reclamation of the Highlands. A Morodnir led initiative that hopes to provide fertile ground for Dwarf rp.

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Give me screenshots Frolbar! Giiiive!!

:weary: :mage:

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You know full well I can’t link screenshots!


I can. So, shall we discuss payment before or after?

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Just so you know, if you put your links between ` marks, you can post them, or use the preformatted text option, so like;


Hey now there’s something helpful. Thanks!

On another note! Our reclamation campaign has come to an end. While it was tough going with the homestead being in an abysmal state. However after rolling up our sleeves and a little bit of elbow grease we managed to restore this little nook of the highlands to it’s former glory.


Love these Dwarves! thanks for the roleplay during our encounter! :beer: :gear:


We’ll have to organise something in future! :beers: :mage:

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I love following your RP posts here. But I do miss Hruroth’s screenshots! :beers:


Alas! I’m away with work for another two months :ocean: :anchor: :passenger_ship:

But rest assured a thick stack of screens is being compiled for my return. As well as that I have numerous dwarf centric plans and events in mind, alongside the excellent stuff Frolbar and the rest of the guild are doing! :mountain: :beers: :mage: :axe:

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A dwarf…at sea?! :whale: That’s preposterous!


“Keep ya’ feet on that ground!” never felt more poignant :mage:

Things have been a bit quiet lately, but that does not mean the dwarves have not been busy.
Frolbar lead us into the Plaguelands to track down a piece of an amulet which he seems obsessed with.
Anyway, we fought some zombies, some cultists, it was fun. Vedir learned that cultists have glass jaws and can be knocked out for a whole day by one punch… Either that or his punch is just that strong.

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