Dwarf Warrior ultimate transmog compilation!

Hello everyone!

So… I narrowed down my 18 different customized transmogs, as I looked at what I had, and simply wasn’t happy with most of em, so I deleted all except these 9, that I have now tweaked and polished even further(still some work to be done here and there though).

Which one do you think looks best? Or do you like several? Tell me which ones! And also constructive criticism, suggestions and feedback are as always more than welcome here, since I’m looking to improve my mogs! :grinning:


Thanks a lot for taking the time to help a fellow transmog freak out and have a nice day! :slight_smile:


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Rhunok, these look awesome!

I’m very fond of 1, 3 and 6 personally. I’m trying to use the Blackrock set with a weapon and board instead. If you have any suggestions, let us know! :slight_smile:

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Hey Vossprey! Thank you so much for the compliment and OMG a blue post in my tiny and humble little thread?! I’ve very honored to receive a blue post reply, and I’m even more happy that you liked so many of my mogs!

I’ve been struggling a lot IRL lately, which I know has nothing to do with the post, but your reply put a huge smile on my face, and I just wanted to say thank you for brightening up my day! :slight_smile:

Hm, Blackrock set with a weapon and board you say. My English is not that great but I assume that you are Protection in that case? I’d probably use the hidden Legion appearance [Scaleshard of the Earthwarder] with the default black/red colours. And if that’s not your taste, then for shield I’d use: [Icecrown Glacial Wall] from [Blood-Queen Lana’thel] in Icecrown Citadel 25 man Heroic mode, and for weapon I’d use the: [Runeaxe of the Breaker] from [Kormrok] in Hellfire Citadel Normal mode.

Thanks again and best regards,

I would personally go for 6 or 7, they’re totally up my alley. But in the end its all up to you!

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Hey there Boio! Thanks a lof for the feedback! :slight_smile:

I’ve been wanting to equip “#6” due to me recently getting the shoulders from Za’qul, that I’ve been wanting for a long time now, BUT, the purple on the gloves is a thorn in my eye(if you have a better glove suggestion I’m all ears). You are right, I know it’s up to me in the end, but I really need suggestions and feedback in order to improve and perfect my mogs.

Thanks again and have a great day! :smiley:

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