Dwarf Warrior ultimate X-mog collection!

Hey guys!

Here are all my transmogs for my Dwarf Arms Warrior that I currently work and have worked on so far. I have a bit of trouble with choosing which one to use so I re-mog my character all the time wasting lots of gold. So I want to know:

Which one(s) do you like the most?

gyazo . com/81a29c636ef8d359531aaf2ddf86dd6f (remove the spaces between the dot and then copy+paste in order to see my collection).

Suggestions for specific pieces that you think would look better than what I currently have equipped on a certain mog, aswell as constructive critisism are more than welcome since I want to improve.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions and have a nice day! :slight_smile:


Awesome work!
I wanted to post which one is my favourite but i can’t choose one :confused:

If i would have to choose, i would take number 2 because of those awesome lightning effects :wink:

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Thank you so much Decayin! Really appreciate the suggestion and compliment :smiley:

I want to thank you, i didn’t have any idea how good dwarf look in a mog! and now, i finish work at 21:00, then i’m going home and making dwarf ;D my plan was to make a druid so i can watch your side of story, but now i changed my mind :slight_smile:

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Wow I really don’t know what to say. That’s an even bigger compliment :smiley:

If you have problems with anything regarding the transmogs and where to get em etc. in any way, shape or form in the game no matter what it is, do not hesitate to throw me a whisper. You can whisper me anytime and I will try to help you to the best of my abilities.

I hope you have tons of fun with your Dwarf Warrior (assume you went for Warrior cause of the transmogs aka Plate gear). so GL HF with your Dwarf Warrior :slight_smile:

These are pretty cool! Creative, too.

Think I like 5 and 9 the most - If my dwarf was plate I’d have to copy those for my own wardrobe :stuck_out_tongue:.

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Thank you for the suggestion and compliment Venger! :slight_smile:

Woah very nice. I love the 13th one because he looks like a battle ram, which just feels very appropriate. They all look great though.
Oh, and for future reference, if you wrap a url in preformatted text you don’t need to obscure the link by adding spaces and such. eg: https://gyazo.com/81a29c636ef8d359531aaf2ddf86dd6f


Thank you for the suggestion and compliment Steamedhams :slight_smile: and thank you very much for the getting the link to work! I tried, but failed :frowning:


You do make great mogs i just can’t any single one but 5 and 13 .

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Thank you so much Daestra! I get that my mogs are not for everyone.

I took a chance and went on to these forums to get some feedback, which I’ve gotten although I honestly expected my mogs to be bashed with negativity to the ground (I’m a perfectionist with not a lot of confidence…).

And here I am receiving suggestions and positive comments about my mogs that I’ve put A LOT of time and effort into, and it makes me REALLY happy you have no idéa! :slight_smile:

Thank you SO much everyone! :smiley: Keep the suggestions etc. coming. I’m listening intently to your feedback!

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I think your mogs are a work of art it was so tough just picking 2 sets all of them you should be immensely happy with .

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Well yeah I AM happy with most of them, but I might be too hard on my self. It’s also really difficult for me to see what certain mogs needs for a change, since I’ve looked at each so much, that I probably have become blind/biased.

And this is where you guys come into the picture, helping me with suggestions etc. because you can see stuff that I can’t :smile:

This may also sound a bit ridiculous, but a simple “I like #x, because” for example. truly means a lot for me since I’ve had it rough IRL lately. Just to mention one thing, was that I came home from surgery the day before yesterday where they had to remove the Gallbladder (not sure what the English term is) and 4 hours after the surgery was done, I felt healthy enough and really well and wanted to go home(although my mother who is nurse thinks I’m crazy). We double checked with the surgeon and the doctor and they agreed to let me go home. The first thing I do when I come home is to open this thread and all I see are positive comments and suggestion which increased my happiness and warmed my heart, so thank you everyone! :heart:

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Mend well and mend soon my handsome dwarf :kissing_heart:

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Need more opinions and suggestions please! :slight_smile: Just click the quoted link above here to see my collection.

I like #3 and #12 the best.
My personal preference is to avoid helmets that hide the beard.
It’s a well known fact that this is where the soul of the Dwarf resides :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That said, #13 is still kind of making me regret going horde, that is a real lump of awesome right there!

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All of these are amazing. #13 is the winner for me.

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Karagann, Jdouci and to everyone else, thank you!

I’m actually blown away by all the positive comments and feedback that I’m getting here. As mentioned previously, I was honestly expecting my mogs to be bashed down to the ground with negativity, because I’m a perfectionist and I don’t have a lot of confidence, and instead the opposite happens. Thank you all so much once again! :slight_smile:

Oh and btw, I’ve polished some of the mogs in the picture, and changed them a little bit, I’m also working hard on several new mogs, and will update the transmog picture soon, so tell me if that’s something you wanna see.

Best regards,

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