[Dwarf/Earthen-RP] Dwarves of the Morodnir šŸ”

We recently hunted down the third piece of the Tapestry of kings. Now only two remain. Which we will seek out shortly.

On another note we have been blessed with an absolute pile of interested people. Sadly its proven to be so substantial that we have decided to limit recruitment momentarily.

Right now its been decided that weā€™ll reevaluate in roughly two weeks. Thisā€™ll give us time to get the current additions settled in and welcomed.


Aye giving the new folks some room to get acquainted with the weird kin of the Morodnirā€¦!
(Emphasis on weird! :3)

But without a joke, its so good to see so many new faces, love it <3


Of course you love it. More people means more injuries and wounds you could mend.


Aww you know me so well! :rofl:


Gonna to leave a post here for future reference.


Takes a strong Dwarf to hold other Dwarves back. :fist:


Ever since my Ironbrand days, i thought i will not find a new dwarf guild to join. But after finding Morodnir over a year ago, i am happy to say i was proved wrong. Many adventures has there been with this amazing guild, and canā€™t wait for the next.


Wait, who let the madlad in?!??

(HEH - no lads arrite, even for a Bronzebeard)


The last two weeks have been a whirlwind of activity as the Morodnir tracked down and found two more portions of the Tapestry of Kings.

First, we made our way to the Eastern plaguelands to seek out a portion of the Tapestry alleged to of been stashed in the ruins of a now desolate and ruined Queldorei Lodgeā€¦ :skull: :man_zombie: :bow_and_arrow:

Storming the lodge was tricky as the door was at first barred to us-- but Good Dwarven sense and a pack of explosives soon got us in, where we found many treasures including a lock box containing our prise! ā€¦Just a shame a wave of derranged, mana desperate Wretched showed up to try and eat the magic from our marrow!

We managed to fight our way out, and to safety (with no small amount of stabbing, bashing, shooting and blasting), quickly making our way to sea and over to the Broken isles, where in Aszuna it was rumoured a Dwarven sage of old Modimusā€™s court had ventured to with the second portion!

We made our camp by a small, scenic, eastern pond where we shared story and songā€¦ (and paddled our toes!)

But not knowing where to begin our search we first ventured to the ruins of an elven hold to the north. There we found a lonely Withered, mad with fear-- that promptly teleported some of our number to an underground layer where a ā€˜princeā€™ of the maddened folk intended to server them as a banquet to his followers!

Keelig even kindly illustrated our reactions after her friend the mini Fire elemental burnt the Withered alive along with the tower before we could return to question himā€¦ oops?

Thankfully the two groups managed to re-unite, put down their foes and leg it promptly back to camp with their limbs only mildly gnashed onā€¦ though all the commotion did attract the eyes of an unexpected visitor! A blue Drake!

Quickly striking up an understanding, the drake informed us his kin and he knew of the Dwarf we sought, and they still lived! Atop a high peak no less, and so the next day we ventured west to climb the hills and seek the ancient sageā€“

ā€¦where we quickly got attacked by a pride of rather peculiar owl-catā€¦ thingys. Fending them off with Ram and blade after a failed attempt to woo them with enchanted Jam (it works, we swear by it), we discovered that one of the slain cats had left a rather feathery Orphan which naturally Grimner promptly adoptedā€¦ :owl:

(Drawn by Grimner)

Back on track we reached the peak, having to navigate numerous arcane booby traps-- only to find the old Dwarf to be no danger at all (for once, we was all shocked). He swiftly handed over what remained of the tapestry with good will.

With all the parts collected, the Morodnir headed to Coldridge valley and Anvilmar to meet an advisor to the remaining Anvilmar Thane. There he kindly placed the pieces together and revealed the truth of a suspicion-- the tapestry also doubled as a hidden map, leading to an ancient vault of plundered Frost troll treasure! :moneybag:

The Dwarves quickly set out to find ā€˜Xā€™ marks the spot in the western valleys of Dun Morogh. :world_map: :x: :coin:

Using the voice of the elements, all our skills and because some people just like falling down holesā€¦ we found the outer tunnels swiftly!

Within we found inscribed animal puzzles that guided us to a frozen pond, of which we soon melted, and once again fell into the inner ruins of the shrine. There within we found more even more diabolical puzzles, no seriously they was complicated before breaking into the shrine propper. And there it was-- mountains of gold! topped with a mind altering gemā€¦ :gem:

Turns out, it was all cursed, so we quickly (and with a struggle fighting among our mind altered selves) smashed it to bits and breaking the Curse.

Upon our return the Morodnir discussed what they found with the Anvilmar advisor and it was agreed that the gold and tapestry should go to itā€™s rightful ancient owners (in exchanged for three chests of silver, no less).

And that concludes the Tapestry of Kings plotā€¦ next, the Morodnir travel to Pandaria, to delve into long forgotten crafting arts and travel the continent! :panda_face: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

On top of all that, Grimer also produced this amazing animation of our favoured and famed Blacksmith, Morgrim!



After a long and arduous journey the Morodnir finally pieced together the puzzle and uncovered an ancient mystery left hidden within the bowels of Dun Morogh.

After piecing together the tapestry of Kings the Morodnir found that it led to an ancient Frostmane ruin hidden within a lone valley.

Inside this ruin the Morodnir had to brave a host of puzzles to unlock itā€™s secrets.
What they found was beyond their imagining. Gold, rooms and rooms of treasure.

However all was not well with this treasure for a curse had been laid upon it by a Frostmane seer a long long time ago. A curse that threatened to nearly afflict the Morodnir with the most insidious curses of all, greed.

With the help of their faithful companion Stalvarg the Morodnir managed to overcome the curse laid upon the treasure. However in the aftermath the Dwarves decided to reject their claim to the treasure and return it to itā€™s rightful owners earning them a substantial reward in the process!

Now the Morodnir has returned to Ironforge proper to rest and prepare for an outing that is alltogether different. A trek to the heartlands of Pandaria to relax and explore at their leisure.


the hilarious part is, I recognize two people in this picture, know how they act and what this might be about it without ever reading the summary.


Lovely to run into the Morodnir in Bruukā€™s tonight.
Very friendly dwarves, highly recommend talking to them if you see them!


Hey nice running into you too! Nice seeing you around IF for a little while.


Just be careful when trying to talk to Vedir. Itā€™s a very high chance of getting stabbed. nod


ā€¦Vedir, we need to talk


Itā€™s just his way of greeting! :smiling_face_with_tear:


Saying hello and goodbye in one motion.


Do you happen to have a bit of Dark Iron blood running through your veins Vedir? :eyes:


Nope. Usually the Dark Iron blood is splattered on me. grin

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Vedir, we really need to talk ā€¦ :scream: