For too long have the clans of the Dwarves and the Earthen of Khaz Algar stood seperated. Scattered over the far flung corners of the world. The time has come to come together and share in the stories of our peoples
Hello everyone,
Some may know of me from my previous story telling nights namely the ‘‘Tall tales time’’.
The telling of stories and the singing of sings is a marvelous tradition one that we hope to reinvigorate with a fresh focus on the Dwarf and Earthen communities.
So it is my pleasure to present an invitation to any Dwarf and/or Earthen rper or anyone who wishes to dip their toes into rping this wonderful race of ours to join me us in Thelsamar on the 23rd of Febuary for a drink and some wonderful stories from all walks of life!
When: 23rd of Febuary (20:00 server time)
Where: Thelsamar village tavern.
It is my sincere hope we’ll see you there so we can bind people together with fun and good cheer and that it will be the first of many such events of a prospering community.
See you there!