I wanted to make sure I get the requirements for the dwarven heritage armour set right.
From what I gathered so far, you need level 50 and to be exalted with Ironforge, correct?
Did they drop the reputation requirements in Shadowlands?
Also, as a side note, do you have any mount recommendations for the set? I’m going for a nice Bronzebeard transmog + mount but the ram mounts are all old models and look really bad.
Indeed, that’s at the very least what we had in BFA.
Afaik they only changed the requirements for unlocking allied races, not heritage armors.
If it ever comes back there’s an updated ram model from the WoW anniversary event (Old school alterac valley, just do the PVE quests and/or PvP and you’ll get the mount as a reward after a few games iirc)
It was implemented two years ago & came back last year, so hopefully it’ll be a standard anniversary event feature and you can get that mount in a few months.
This is correct. Then you need to do a quest chain to unlock it. It doesn’t just unlock once leveled like the Allied Race heritage arour.
Nothing too difficult (the gnome one had some tricky bits but this one was straight forward).