Early Release or More Content

Dear Blizzard.

We either need a way to leave Remix behind or you need to give us more content to do. Remix lasts for 90 days, but it has less than 15 days worth of content, especially with your new buff there is even less content.

Every day more and more posts like this one pops up, because people want to go home. We don’t like having characters stuck in content-limbo, when we know there are several expansions worth of content for us to do, to prepare for the next expansion.

More over, it would be great to actually get to try out these characters in real content, and not some overpowered state. For instance, leveling a healer in Remix gives you no indication it its actually fun or engaging to play, because healing isn’t really used in Remix.

So please, add a way for us to return them to Retail. You already have systems like Boost and Gear-Update, surely rigging one of those systems, so our remix characters are just moved over and given a set of 450 armor would work :slight_smile:

Characters will be made into normal retail characters at the end of the event. If you do not wish to wait that long for the character to be released then you could always easily level up a normal retail character within that time frame and gear them beyond 450, especially with the catch up gear from the daily content in the emerald dream etc.

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Either make a character in Retail or go play something else till they get moved over, no one is forcing you to play World of Warcraft only.

Remix was never marketed as an Alt leveller for the current expansion, it was always shown as a way for people to get level 70’s in a different game mode with its own reward system and play style ready for The War Within when they will be moved to live.

The crucial words here being “Game Mode”, it wasn’t some random quest in the main game that sucked you character into Remix to be trapped forever, you purposefully made a character on this Game Mode.

If you wanted a retail character then you should have levelled in retail, simple as really.


Ah yes, I suppose that is why they decided to keep the characters locked in Remix land for long enough to miss almost the entirety of the prepatch event. Sounds really fun, especially for people who don’t even have max level characters at all in Dragonflight and came back after a long break because of Remix. Surely this is a great plan and won’t piss anyone off at all, I mean, why would it?

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remix is just fun mini game to let you have fun .

if you completed all content ? gg you win - you are done .

its ok to be done.

I’m personally not done yet, currently at 90.09% in ATT, so still a week or two left, and got some more alts to level too. But my point is, I’ve played Dragonflight for maybe a total of 40 days, and the only 70 I have is a class that I have no interest in playing and hasn’t looted a new piece of gear since last summer. I’d love to main a Rogue in TWW, and I have played that Rogue for quite a bit in Remix. It annoys me to no end that I have to choose between re-leveling that character as a non-timerunner, or just missing prepatch completely.

Probably a controversial suggestion, given how people feel about gear upgrade costs, but I wouldn’t mind if they added another 36 upgrade levels to our gear. I maxed out my character and got all the cosmetics, with 2 months left, and while my character got really strong, its still not “Solo mythic SoO” strong. With nothing left to spend bronze on, i have no reason to play, if i had more gear upgrades to work towards, i would have a reason to play.

I think the earliest chance of release may come with prepatch but there is nothing to say they won’t keep remix characters in there for the entire duration as originally stated.

Doesn’t personally affect me as I specifically did a character (and then two more) just for Remix, but I only geared and completed everything on one. They are all 70 ofc. I can understand some want to come out early, I also understand that Blizzard may just want to stick to their plans.

I have bought everything and done all the Remix specific achievements. The only thing that isn’t complete is the Sunreaver campaign but that was bugging and I’ve not checked back to see if it’s fixed yet. I have seen some having trouble with another zone too.

If they do decide to add a weapon vendor at least I can just pop back on grind some bronze and buy the sets. They do seem to be listening to feedback. So who knows you may get your wish at some point.

By this point they probably will let some characters per account move to Retail sooner.

I never expected so many people to look at Remix knowing it is a separate game mode, and has been marketed as such, choose to openly ignore that fact and level characters that they want in Retail right now.

Even if something isn’t a valid complaint, I suppose if enough people complain they will do something.

Honestly don’t want to comment on this any further so wont reply to anyone, as it is all in Blizzards hands now and have made my view point known. Mainly the fact that I don’t want Remix to die just yet due to people just using it as a easy levelling tool, and not have any characters to help in Heroic or higher raids.

For what it’s worth, I agree with you that people wanting to move their characters right now today are being a bit unreasonable, but yeah, I for one hope that they’ll add the option to transfer to retail with the same update as the prepatch content.

I personally made this character about 30 days ago, when the event first started. And while playing and leveling it throughout the event, I found out that I actually really like playing it.

Now a month later, I’ve reached the highest item level, farmed all the achivements, gathered all the transmogs. And my character is now stuck in Content-limbo for 60 days.

So I feel it’s a problem that Blizzard gives us this leveling event, but then keep this characters locked out of actually being playable, once they’ve finished the limited Pandaria content we got. And it might be easy for some people to just say “Well, just go level a new character on Retail.” because these people don’t understand that some of us actually like our characters, and don’t enjoy having 10 of the same class across our accounts. When you’ve invested over 50 hours in a character, you’re not just gonna throw it away.

Remix isn’t a levelling event. It is an alternate gameplay mode, that offers players a new way to collect mounts & transmogs.

It is 100% a leveling event. We’re getting massive EXP boosts and we’re allowed to keep the Characters unlike in Plunderstorm. It’s an alternative to just doing what they usually do, and giving us 50% bonus exp on Retail.

The characters aren’t even on a seperate server, we’re literally on our own servers, simply phased out and marked as Timerunners. We’re able to chat with everyone on our server, even join their Guilds, yet we’re unable to interact or play with them.

Our characters are retail characters already, simply marked as Timerunners. And I honestly refuse to believe it wouldn’t simply be flicking a switch to bring our characters back over. I personally just think Blizzard aren’t doing it, because it would empty out the event, and they need us to stick around to help the ones who haven’t gotten through yet.

They’ve said from the start how it would work.

What you personally believe is irrelevant.

Take control of your own destiny instead of relying on Blizz to give you a reason to move on. Thats pathetic.


This, sir is just spamming at this point; repeating the same thing all over again and making threads about it
We got it the first time
You don’t have to make dozen of topics and dress them up to avoid the consequences

Um, this is literally my only post about this topic, so what is this nonsense you’re spewing?

No, it’s a collectors event. Except pet collectors, Blizzard clearly hates them.

There is a lot of things that you can do. Just seems that you want people to hold your hand through the gaming experience.

You can make a character in retail, make other alts in remix, if you’ve not done that already.

Just relax and have fun. If it’s no longer fun for you, then go and do something else until remix has ended.

This was something I was actually thinking about yesterday. That I would have liked to have done some pet related stuff, get pets that I may have not captured etc. Not a biggy though, as I can hope onto my main and go to MoP and do it all.

But it would have been nice to do that in remix.