Earning gold; What way do you enjoy?

Then how do you get the gold? And; how do you not spend it? ^^
Are you playing a lot of alts and doing callings + mission table? Professions? Boosting?

Its not active-farming per say that I am asking about, just curious about “average joe” and where they get their coin; big or small pile - and what they use it for :relaxed:

I don’t bother now with the AH change. I had collected thousands of old world recipes & i made a steady stream from crafting these low sell-rate items.

Now, i can spend an hour crafting, posting and expect to make 10-20k from it. That’s around £0.75 an hour at the rate of a token.

The thing is, i did kind of enjoy collecting recipes and making gold via crafting. But being aware of the token price equivalency puts me off entirely!


This, so much. Mentally calculating how much real-money equivalent I’m spending or how much real-money equivalent I’m making are both demotivating.

I did enjoy learning how to use TSM to become a minor goblin back in … Mists? WoD? … that kind of time, but I don’t play to spend hours sitting in the AH or crafting 1000 doohickeys for a shuffle. So that didn’t last.

I did truly enjoy gathering in Cata and Mists, but Pathfinder, and Garrisons, and the node distributions since have destroyed that entirely.

I did sort-of enjoy making gold while farming transmog in old raids, but the vendor price squish eliminated that as well.

Whatever I enjoy, the devs will find and kill.

If you want to see someone enjoying making gold, check out Studen Albatroz’ streams, or to a lesser extent his YT. The guy genuinely enjoys running RFK 10 times, then swapping out to an alt he has parked at the mobs that can drop a Firefly in Zangarmarsh, then popping onto a Druid with speed set in Draenor and farming some outdoor mobs until the hour is up. I envy him. He will never care about class nerfs or crappy gearing systems. He will never get bored at the end of a patch. He just genuinely enjoys humming along, doing what he does. :slight_smile:


I’m sure it’s a horrible source of income, but seeing gold get autolooted in Torghast is pleasing.

Selling 1400-1800 carries.

Studen kinda killed the mog market for me on Argent Dawn, so I have a half-heart for the guy. :sweat_smile:

The reason I rather farm gold in various ways is because I have a list of issues and sit home all the time due to it, so I live on minimum financially. Buying wowtime is enough money spent for me (6month at a time since I play all the time anyway), so buying tokens on top of that is just harsh…
Even if it may be the best value vs time.

Instead I learn some markets, niche stuff, boosting, etc.
Sadly the community crunch killed off boosting for me, so im doing other stuff now.
I enjoyed boosting ppl the most tho through the years (boosted since original vanilla).

How much do you earn per win and how hard do you consider it?
My pvp friends hate the current arena status, apparently its very hard to boost in atm?

Accounts admin, which earns me euros, which get converted to gold by buying tokens.

Enjoy? No, but it pays the bills as well as earning gold.

Consumables and repair bills mostly.

A wooden chair with a cushion pad of about 4 cm thickness.

Farm it in game.

Whatever they want. It’s their gold, not mine.

Status? No idea. I have at least 2 or 3 characters with a few hundred k each, so maybe 1 million… possibly. I do mythic plus and a bit of raiding.


I don’t keep track of how often I buy a token. Any time I go to the AH for supplies on a character I’m playing intensively and find myself with less than about 50k, I buy a token and put it up for sale.

The reason I buy tokens is that playing WoW is something I do for fun and work pays for me to have fun (as well as paying for the essential and boring stuff like bills, food, etc). It makes no sense to me to do things that are not-fun in WoW to pay for the fun when I already work (which is not-fun) to pay for fun stuff.

I did it in S2 and S3 and as baseline I did to 1400 for 500k and to 0-1800 for 750k. s4 is a complete clown fiesta and there just isn’t much interest since the transmogs set is the same as last season.

It’s not difficult at all for me but it becomes more challenging depending on the player. Some people are more than capable of getting it by themselves but they’re just in a rush or lacked belief, others don’t really know what they’re doing, so it varies.

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I just started a 5th druid and planning on leveling it purely by gathering.
Will see how much gold that adds to in the end :slight_smile:

Covenant mission table. Got 48 alts producing around 40-50k in 35 mins of clicking every day. Prob around 75k if I did it twice a day. And that’s without counting the value of pet charms/mats. Currently sitting on around 1.8 mil, but I’m constantly spending. I use gold mainly to buy stuff from bnet, like mounts expansions and collectors editions etc.

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Going to Goldshire.

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My perferred philosophy is “A penny saved is a penny earned.” and so I’m a tightass. I’ve never bought the yak for 120,000g as that is too much for a mount I won’t even use as a mount. I certainly never bought the Longboi, that’s five million gold I earned right there.

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I wish I leveled up ALL my chars to do this too, but I settled with roughly 17.
Working on it still tho and started it super late :rofl:

Since token was introduced I don’t farm gold, it’s lost meaning and feeling.
I never have bought token also.
Kinda feels it’s enough gold from basic activities.

What do you use gold for? ^^
Im just curious about the average-joe idea since gold gain has been a big interest of mine since vanilla.

i play 1 main and 9 alts daily , i make between 12000 and 15 thousand on each in a week , wed to wed doing a few quests, mining and skining + herbing, which i sell on the auction house , by the time dragonflight launches my main will be on 1.5 million and each of my alts will be on 90k to 180 k each so plenty enough to give them a god start and i dont buy tokens any more as they are a complete rip off and have been dragging wow down for the last few years causing more troubles for blizzard than they are worth

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Selling a token.

some people would shoot me over this, but I sometimes like to go run some mythic island expeditions solo on 1 of my geared dps/tank alts, just for the joy of pulling 10000 mobs together and blasting the dps. sold a few hundred thousand worth of pets and transmogs at this point from a couple hours every now and then while passively also going for a few mounts from there.

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Hey I am 100% with you! Im seen as weird for enjoying that as well!
And it can net some easy gold. :blush: