Earnings call, some perspective

This is not “the game is dying” thread, just a few numbers and some thoughts.

There was an earnings call recently. Activision Blizzard are doing well, etc. Especially the Activision part. Blizzard aren’t doing too shabby either. Shadowlands just released, etc.

Things aren’t all rosy though. Eg, while yearly numbers are good, Q4 numbers for Blizzard aren’t, they reduced compared to what they were in the previous year. Now, Shadowlands obviously currently made WoW bigger than in the previous year, it’s just that the increases in WoW were smaller than the losses elsewhere. So, nothing bad just yet.

There is, however, something that gives me pause. Remember when they stopped reporting the number of subs? Many people said this was because subs stopped growing and started reducing every time, it was no longer a positive-looking metric. Blizzard vehemently objected to that and said that they stopped reporting subs simply because it was no longer a useful metric, and the useful metric was MAUs - monthy active users. Honestly, both things are true.

What’s interesting is that if we take their new chosen metric - MAUs - and look at it in perspective, we see this:

Q1 2018 = 38 million
Q2 2018 = 37 million
Q3 2018 = 37 million
Q4 2018 = 35 million
Q1 2019 through Q1 2020 = 32 million each
Q2 2020 = 32 million
Q3 2020 = 30 million

And, finally, the number from the call:

Q4 2020 = 29 million

So, they switched their reporting metric to a new one, because the new one presumably made more sense and also because the old one was declining and they didn’t think they could stop it from declining. And now they are steadily declining on the new metric as well.

Make from it what you will.

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Ofc you choose to ignore the banwaves for botters and multiboxers .

It’s the death / decline of OW and HS.
WoW was reported to have an increase in MAU’s for the sixth quarter in a row.

Honestly Blizzard isolated from Activision doesn’t have a lot going on right now.
OW2 which has been quiet and two diablo games (4 & immortal).
They even said 2022 will be good for Blizzard, brushing over 2021 as we’ll likely see neither of those games release.

29 million monthly users for what is mostly three main games isn’t bad at all IMO.

But if the new Diablo sucks and OW2 flops then Blizzard could be dead in the water relying on WoW.
That would be ironic for me, all the years of putting WoW on the back burner for HS and OW.

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I hope we atleast get D2 Remastered this year.

Something else worth considering with those metrics… 2020 saw an overall increase of 63% in computer game sales due to the pandemic, yet those MAU numbers…

The company isn’t dead yet, but I think they could do with some life blowing into them. Some new releases, maybe 1 or 2 new franchises to build on for the next decade…

Blizzard and also WOW just feels as if they’ve just become complacent.

That might translate as ‘It no longer makes us look good, so let’s make and use a new metric that we can put a more positive spin on.’?

I have an attachment to WoW still though, as the game has been around for years in my life. I’m just saddened by the state of SLs on the back of BFA :slight_smile:

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