Earthen Horde interest?


I know there is good Dwarven guilds on alliance AD, and in general a larger population, so when considering my future Earthen Shaman, it seems like rolling alliance would make sense.

I was wondering though, if any Dwarf RP folk are up for rolling Horde Earthen, or anyone else is interested more in rolling Horde Earthen?

Does anyone know, from playing beta or otherwise if the Earthen (presumable dwarven?) language would allow cross faction Dwarf RP/Conversation?

I like the idea of a little clan of Horde Earthen, but the idea of there only being 2 or 3 players because the lure to roll Alliance, would make it not as fun.

Please share your thoughts!

Earthern do not speak Dwarvish. they speak Titan. They can talk with each other much like High/blood elves, Pandaren, and Dracthyr can.

I Doubt there will be a Earthern focused guild on Horde side. i see them join up with the already Existing multi race Warbands we got.

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One point that should be made is that there is nothing (so far) to suggest that any earthen join either faction. Instead, all of the information that we have been given so far suggests that they are simply representatives who go forth to explore the lands of the Horde and the Alliance and learn their stories, so that they can bring back their experiences of Azeroth to their people.

So Horde earthen are unlikely to be particularly loyal to the Horde or even members of the Horde, they are simply earthen who happen to be working with the Horde rather than the Alliance at that point in time.

When playing an earthen of either faction, this lack of membership and loyalty might be something to keep in mind. This isn’t to say an earthen couldn’t become a diehard Horde advocate with time, just that it will be far from the default earthen experience as laid out by the narrative.


To add to what Shogganosh has well laid out already, we also don’t know a lot of their lore, both for Alliance and Horde, beyond what he has mentioned, beyond curious nuggets here and there being selectively posted on Twitter and other social media, more often than not, unreliably.

Chances are that it’s best to wait until The War Within’s launch for anything Earthen RP related. It’s hard to really gouge for interest for a race whose entire culture can only be properly accessed through not-yet-released content.

Don’t know if there will be any Horde Earthen-only guilds (the Horde side is after all smaller, and Earthen-only guilds will be a small niche interest I’m guessing), but it would be nice if there were some.

However, in case there won’t be any, the Stoneforge Clan is currently planning to allow Horde Earthen to join, and I’m sure there will be other Dwarf guilds on the Alliance as well that will welcome their kin / ancestors, whether they be part of the Horde of Alliance!

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