Earthen leveling 1-70, flying only

So, as many of you may have heard, or known about the Earthen when reading their race traits, is that the earthen get 100% bonus to discovering locations.

I really didn’t feel like leveling a character, but I did want to create an earthen, so I decided to see if it could actually be done and whether it’s viable.

TLDR: Yes, it’s viable. However, it’s worth mentioning I have the 25% experience bonus to leveling due to have several 80 chars. (not sure if this applies tho)

The Darkmoon faire buff didn’t affect bonus XP like I thought it would. In fact, I’m questioning whether the 25% bonus even applies to this situation.

Is it viable? well, it works. I mean, it’s not the greatest gameplay, to fly around, discovering locations and all that. You need to swerve in a S pattern all throughout the zones, because without the micro XP you get from discovering important locations you won’t be getting a whole lot of XP from just discovering the map alone.

At times, I would level by flying over a chain of locations in about 2-3 minutes. And that’s at level 50, not exactly low. But the XP did try out near the end of level 72, Blizzard did seem to recognize and cap this.

With that being said, you can in fact level an earthen, reasonably fast, by just flying around undiscovered zones across all the expansions. Some zones require an unlock, so you may run into barriers, but it’s fairly seamless without much issues.

Would I recommend it? Not for classes you have never played. I think it’s worth getting familiar with a new class while leveling as the spells and talents trickle in. Otherwise, I don’t know, that’s up to you. Feel like sky riding, listening to something in the background for about 5-7 hours (I’d estimate) to level a char up?

The other positive caveat is that it’s nostalgic seeing old zones and some of these look pretty cool from a birds eye view.


It’s viable because it works, however it’s just a quirky racial. Cool if you want to use it to level to max, also cool if you don’t. You’re not hindering yourself.

I’ve leveled faster through other means, I don’t see it as game breaking or anything. However, their combat racials are completely trash. In-fact I’d go as far as say you’re purposefully hindering yourself going earthen.

You can’t eat BG foods, like the 10% HP buff (which is huge) and other various edible buffs, and the empowered racial is also crap/useless. I race changed to one, saw the gigantic amount of flaws, and RC back to my original race.

It’s a nope for me. And don’t get me started on the amount of beard clipping.

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Leveling purely through dungeons and questing and I’m level 73 in like 12hrs so not exactly slow. Should get 80 tomorrow

Back in the day I skipped the entirety of Cataclysm through archaeology. It wasn’t terribly fun either, but viable. Unsure if that’s still the case, but I would assume so, seeing as gathering nodes are still decent experience as well. There’s no shortage of ways to level if you put your mind to it… though I did have to laugh at the guy who made a thread earlier complaining about being undergeared by having leveled exclusively through dungeons. There’s definite drawbacks to niche leveling schemes.


Finally getting to experience all those new lands after being stuck underground for millenias.

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i did lvl up mine up to lvl 70/71 that way just flying over undiscovered zones in different expansions in about 6/7 hours it went really fast and just doing the quests in the new zone focussen on the campaign lvl 78 now just starting on the world quest now until i ding lvl 80.

10 - 70 in 3 hours 22 minutes with the Earthen Explorer buff, and a carefully mapped route

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It’s 200% and you can level quite quickly via flying and discovery